Welcome to WOVEN Texts, a supplement to the Georgia Tech Writing and Communication Program’s core textbook, WOVENText. Here, you will find examples of student work that emphasize each of the modes of communication students learn about in their English 1101 and 1102 courses. Each page in this site includes an artifact that focuses on the following modes:

While each of student-created artifacts utilize more than one mode, they are all multimodal; they simply incorporate one mode more heavily than the others.

Some of the information you find here is also available in your WOVENText book, but the rest of the artifacts and accompanying rhetorical and genre analyses are only found here. You should use this website as a resource if you are interested in learning more about the genres and modes presented here. These artifacts can be considered models as you work on your own assignments for your English 1101 and 1102 classes.

You may be able to contribute to our student examples trove with the work you create for English 1101 and 1102. If you are interested in submitting your completed artifacts for consideration, please speak to your instructor. We’re always looking for excellent student work to highlight!