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Xueda Wen

Faculty at Georgia Institute of Technology


Office: Howey W404

Research Interests:

My work focuses on theoretical physics. Specific research interests include:

– Non-equilibrium physics in quantum many-body systems

– Topological phases in general dimensions

– Connection between quantum many-body physics and quantum information science

Brief CV:

2024 Jan — : Faculty member at Georgia Tech

2020 Sept — 2023 Dec: Simons Collaboration Fellow at Harvard & CU Boulder

2017 Sept — 2020 Sept: Moore Fellow at MIT

2017: PhD at UIUC

Some recent Talks:

– Conformal Floquet Cooling, pdf

– Higher Berry Phase, pdf

– Driven quantum critical systems, pdf

– Distinguish topological orders beyond modular data, pdf

Research Papers & Notes

– My papers on arXiv

– My Google Scholar

Topological data for the lattice model here


– 2024 Spring: Physics 4782, Quantum Information and Quantum Computation


– Einstein-Pythagoras equation: E=m(a2+b2). See mathematicians’ jokes here.

– Local seminars: Physics, Math