I am a Teaching Assistant (TA) for the School of Math at Georgia Tech. As a TA, I lead weekly recitations of 30+ students, where I show students how to apply material covered in lecture. Other duties include holding regular office hours and helping instructors grade assessments. I have been a TA for the following courses:
- Spring 2024 – MATH 1552: Differential Calculus
- Fall 2023 – MATH 1553: Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Spring 2023 – MATH 1552: Integral Calculus
- Spring 2022 – MATH 1553: Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Fall 2021 – MATH 1712: Survey of Calculus
- Spring 2021 – CS 2050: Discrete Mathematics
Mentorship – High School
Through the Helen Fellowship, I mentored a group of high school students learning computer science. I helped design and teach a course on artificial intelligence. Slides
Mentorship – Undergraduate
I was a Team Leader (TL) for the Georgia Tech Freshman Seminar course. In the class, I act as a bridge between the students and instructors. I help introduce the students to campus resources and traditions, and work with other TLs to plan events and class activities throughout the semester.
- Summer 2021 – GT 1000: Sustainable Communities
- Fall 2021 – GT 1000: Math Majors