Undergraduate courses.

MATH 2603: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical logic and proof, mathematical induction, counting methods, recurrence relations, algorithms and complexity, graph theory and graph algorithms.
Typical scheduling: every semester

CS 2050: Intro Discrete Math CS and CS 2051: Honors Discrete Math CS
Proof methods, strategy, correctness of algorithms over discrete structures. Induction and recursion. Complexity and order of growth. Number theoretic principles and algorithms. Counting and computability.
Typical scheduling: every semester

MATH 3012: Applied Combinatorics
Elementary combinatorial techniques used in discrete problem solving: counting methods, solving linear recurrences, graph and network models, related algorithms, and combinatorial designs.
Typical scheduling: every semester

MATH 4022: Introduction to Graph Theory
The fundamentals of graph theory: trees, connectivity, Euler torus, Hamilton cycles, matchings, colorings and Ramsey theory.
Typical scheduling: every fall semester

MATH 4032: Combinatorial Analysis
Combinatorial problem-solving techniques including the use of generating functions, recurrence relations, Polya theory, combinatorial designs, Ramsey theory, matroids, and asymptotic analysis.
Typical scheduling: every spring semester

Graduate courses.

MATH 6014: Graph Theory
Fundamentals, connectivity, matchings, colorings, extremal problems, Ramsey theory, planar graphs, perfect graphs. Applications to operations research and the design of efficient algorithms.
Typical scheduling: every fall semester

MATH 7012: Enumerative Combinatorics
Fundamental methods of enumeration and asymptotic analysis, including the use of inclusion/exclusion, generating functions, and recurrence relations. Applications to strings over a finite alphabet and graphs.
Typical scheduling: usually every odd fall

MATH 7014: Advanced Graph Theory
Selection of topics vary with each offering.
Typical scheduling: usually every spring semester

MATH 7016: Combinatorics
Fundamental combinatorial structures including hypergraphs, transversal sets, colorings, Sperner families, intersecting families, packings and coverings, perfect graphs, and Ramsey theory. Algebraic and topological methods, applications.
Typical scheduling: n/a

MATH 7018: Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics
Applications of probabilistic techniques in discrete mathematics, including classical ideas using expectation and variance as well as modern tools, such as martingale and correlation inequalities.
Typical scheduling: every spring semester

Related past topics courses.

Convex Geometry Spring 2024
Instructor: Greg Blekherman

Absorption methods for hypergraph embeddings and decompositions Fall 2023
Instructor: Tom Kelly

Statistical Inference on Networks Fall 2023
Instructor: Cheng Mao

Concentration of measure phenomenon and Convexity Fall 2023
Instructor: Galyna Livshyts

Spectral Graph Theory Fall 2021
Instructor: Zhiyu Wang

Descriptive Combinatorics Fall 2021
Instructor: Anton Bernshteyn

Topics in Matroid Theory Fall 2020
Instructor: Matt Baker