Meet our faculty.
Georgia Tech has faculty working in all areas of combinatorics, including probabilistic, extremal, algebraic, arithmetic, and graph theoretic. These faculty are in the School of Mathematics, the School of Computer Science, and the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Many of the faculty are affiliated with the ACO PhD program and the ARC research center.

Matt Baker
Professor, Math
Research interests include number theory, algebraic geometry, complex dynamics, and combinatorics.

Greg Blekherman
Professor, Math
Research interests include applied algebraic geometry, convex geometry, combinatorics, optimization, sum of squares, tensor ranks.

Ernie Croot
Professor, Math
Research interests include additive combinatorics and analytic number theory.

Xiaoyu He
Assistant Professor (joining Fall 2024), Math
Research interests include Ramsey theory, graph coloring, additive combinatorics, discrete geometry, and coding theory.

Christine Heitsch
Professor, Math
Research interests include discrete mathematics, molecular biology, and RNA folding.

Tom Kelly
Assistant Professor, Math
Research interests include graph coloring, extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, and design theory.

Rose McCarty
Assistant Professor, Math & CS
Research interests include structural graph theory, matroid theory, discrete geometry, finite model theory, and algorithms and complexity.

Will Perkins
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Research interests include random computational problems, statistical physics, probabilistic methods in combinatorics.
Josephine Yu
Professor, Math
Research interests include algebraic and geometric combinatorics, tropical geometry, computational and combinatorial algebraic geometry.

Xingxing Yu
Professor, Math
Research interests include graph theory, graph algorithms, and extremal combinatorics.