V.K. Mehta, S.C. Vogel, A.P. Shivprasad, E.P. Luther, D.A. Andersson, D.V. Rao, D. Kotlyar, B. Clausen, M.W.D. Cooper, 2021. “A Density Functional Theory and Neutron Diffraction Study of the Ambient Condition Properties of Sub-Stoichiometric Yttrium Hydride,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Journal of Nuclear Material, 547, 152837
A. Johnson, D. Kotlyar, 2021. “Hybrid Depletion Framework Using Mixed-Fidelity Transport Solutions and Substeps,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 155, 108120.
J. Wang, D. Kotlyar, 2021. “High-Resolution Thermal Analysis of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Fuel Element Using OpenFOAM,” Nuclear Design and Engineering, 372, 110957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2020.110957
V.K. Mehta, M.W.D. Cooper, R.B. Wilkerson, D. Kotlyar, D.V. Rao, S.C. Vogel, 2021. “Evaluation of Yttrium Hydride (δ-YH2-x) Thermal Neutron Scattering Laws and Thermophysical Properties,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/00295639.2020.1851632
M. Krecicki, D. Kotlyar, 2020. “Low Enriched Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Neutronic, Thermal Hydraulic, and System Design Space Analysis,” Nuclear Design and Engineering, 363, 110605.
A. Johnson, D. Kotlyar, 2020. “serpentTools: A Python Package for Expediting Analysis with Serpent,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 194(11), 1016-1024. https://doi.org/10.1080/00295639.2020.1723992
N. Kaffezakis, S. Terlizzi, C. Smith, A. S. Erickson, S. K. Yee, D. Kotlyar, 2020. “High Temperature Ultra-Small Modular Reactor: Pre-conceptual Design,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 141, 1-13.
S. Terlizzi, D. Kotlyar, 2020. “A simple FFT-based prediction method of macroscopic cross-sections’ spatial response to TH perturbations: theory and first results”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, In print. DOI: 10.1080/00295639.2019.1698239
A. E. Johnson, D. Kotlyar, 2019. “A Transport-free Method for Predicting the Post-depletion Spatial Neutron Flux Distribution,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 194(2), 120-137 DOI: 10.1080/00295639.2019.1661171.
N. Kaffezakis, D. Kotlyar, 2019. “Fuel Cycle Analysis of Novel Assembly Design for Thorium-Uranium Ceramic Fueled Thermal, High Conversion Reactor,” Nuclear Technology
N. Kaffezakis, D. Kotlyar, 2020. “Fuel Cycle Analysis of Novel Assembly Design for Thorium-Uranium Ceramic Fueled Thermal, High Conversion Reactor,” Nuclear Technology, 206, 48-72. DOI: 10.1080/00295450.2019.1616475
S. Terlizzi, D. Kotlyar, 2019. “Fission Matrix Domain Decomposition Method for Criticality Calculations: Theory and Proof-of-Concept”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193, 948-965.
G. Pereira, A. E. Johnson, Y. Bilodid, E. Fridman, D. Kotlyar, 2019. “Applying the Serpent-DYN3D Code Sequence for the Decay Heat Analysis of Metallic Fuel Sodium Fast Reactor,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 125, 291-306.
V. Mehta, D. Kotlyar, 2019. “Core Analysis of spectral shift operated SmAHTR,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 123, 46-58.
Y. Bilodid, E. Fridman, D. Kotlyar, E. Shwageraus, 2018. “Explicit decay heat calculation in the nodal diffusion code DYN3D,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 121, 374-381.
J.T. Gates, A. Denig, R. Ahmed, V. Mehta, D. Kotlyar, 2018. “Low-enriched Cermet-based fuel options for a nuclear thermal propulsion engine,” Design of Nuclear Engineering, 331, 313-330.
D. Kotlyar, M. Aufiero, E. Shwageraus, M. Fratoni, 2017. “A perturbation-based susbtep method for coupled depletion Monte-Carlo codes,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, 102, 236-244.