Comprehensive prediction of drug-protein interactions, side effects for the human proteome.
This server will screen your molecule against a pre-computed target library. Top targets with mTC >= 0.9 (or top 350) will be returned. You can also search the pre-computed DR. PRODIS database for DrugBank drugs against the human proteome. Human protein target structure models and ligand binding sites are also available.
Notice: This server is freely available to all academic and non-commercial users.
Commercial users – to use this server or request a download of all predicted targets for all DrugBank drugs, a software evaluation, or a customized target library, please send an email to Dr. Jeffrey Skolnick:
Citation: Zhou, H, Gao M, Skolnick J. 2015. Comprehensive prediction of drug-protein interactions and side effects for the human proteome. Scientific Reports. 5:11090. PDF
Please send questions to Dr. Hongyi Zhou:
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