Prestigious Health Physics Society Fellowships and Travel Grants awarded to RED² students

The Health Physics Society has awarded four prestigious fellowships and five travel grants to doctoral and undergraduate researchers in the RED² Laboratory led by Dr. Dewji in the Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics Programs of the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Each of the Travel Grants supports travel to the 67th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society held July 17-21, 2022 in Spokane, WA, and each of the graduate fellowships awards $5000 to each recipient, with Travel Grant support to attend the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society.

Dr. Dewji was a prior recipient of the Richard J. Burk, Jr. Fellowship in 2008. “This is a very proud moment for me. My participation in the Health Physics Society pivoted and cultivated my entire career towards a field of scientific research and societal impact, the scope of which I had never fathomed as I embarked on my academic journey, only further catalyzed by my own mentor and adviser, Dr. Nolan Hertel (Past President of the Health Physics Society). Now, as a professor of nuclear engineering at Georgia Tech with a research focus in radiation protection and health physics, as well as a prior recipient of the Health Physics Society’s Elda E. Anderson Award and Member-Elect of the Health Physics Board of Directors, I have only high expectations for my students to grow into future leaders and ambassadors of the Health Physics Society given such incredible opportunities”.

Congratulations to the following recipients of Health Physics Society Fellowships and Travel Grants for the 2022-2023 year:

  • Dmitri Margot (Ph.D. student – GT NRE) – 2022 Health Physics Society Travel Grant; Health Physics Society Robert Gardner Memorial Fellowship
  • Heechan Lee (Ph.D. student – GT NRE) – 2022 Health Physics Society Travel Grant; 2022-2023 Health Physics Fellowship
  • Ignacio Bartol (Ph.D. student – GT NRE) – 2022 Health Physics Society Travel Grant; 2022-2023 Health Physics Society Robert Gardner Memorial Fellowship
  • Emmanuel Matey Mate-Kole (Ph.D. student – GT NRE) – 2022 Health Physics Society Travel Grant; Health Physics Society J Newell Stannard Fellowship
  • Matthew Louis (Undergraduate student – GT NRE) – 2022 Health Physics Society Travel Grant;

Navigate over to Undergraduate Students and to Graduate Students to meet each of these energetic, future leaders in health physics and over to Research Projects to learn about the exciting research each of the RED² students are engaging in radiation protection sciences and health physics.

2022 Health Physics Society award recipients: (Top left-to-right) Dmitri Margot, Heechan Lee; (Bottom left-to-right) Ignacio Bartol, Emmanuel Matey Mate-Kole, Matthew Louis.

The Health Physics Society (HPS), formed in 1956, is a scientific organization of professionals who specialize in radiation safety. Its mission is to support its members in the practice of their profession and to promote excellence in the science and practice of radiation safety.
Today its members represent all scientific and technical areas related to radiation safety, including academia, government, medicine, research and development, analytical services, consulting, and industry in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Society is chartered in the United States as an independent nonprofit scientific organization and, as such, is not affiliated with any government or industrial organization or private entity.

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