Congratulations to RED² Ph.D. candidate, Andrew Rosenstrom, for being selected as the awardee for the Lutz Moritz Memorial Award by the Accelerator Section at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society in Spokane, WA (July 16-21,2022) for his work on “High Power Beam Dump Shielding Design for the LCLS-II-HE Low Emittance Injector”.

Established in 2009, the Lutz Moritz Memorial Award is presented yearly at the annual Health Physics Society meeting to recognize outstanding student presentations on accelerator health physics. The award is a tribute to Lutz Moritz (1943-2008), who was a founding member of the Accelerator Section and served as president of the section in 1996. Lutz’s distinguished career at TRIUMF, Canada’s National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, earned him an international reputation as Canada’s foremost expert on accelerator radiation safety.
Congratulations also to former RED² undergraduate researcher (now Texas A&M University graduate student), Jordan Hillis, for being awarded the 2022 H. Wade Patterson Memorial Award at the HPS Meeting in Spokane, Washington, in recognition of her presentation, “Analysis of Relative Hazards and Detection Capabilities for Radionuclides at the Spallation Neutron Source”.
Visit the Accelerator Section of the Health Physics Society here and thank you to the AS for supporting our next generation leaders!