Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

“Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.” -Mahatma Gandhi


RED² strongly supports the commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) as prioritized by Georgia Tech (read here).

From Dr. Dewji:

Diversity brings one of the greatest strengths to a learning environment. Developing an inclusive learning environment embracing of diverse backgrounds deconstructs accessibility barriers and creates an inclusive community in which all students have equitable opportunity to succeed. In my commitment to diversity, social justice, campus climate, and inclusiveness, I value leading a highly diverse group of students in my research group, the Radiological Engineering, Detection, and Dosimetry (RED²). 

My commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility harnesses adaptive strategies I have developed through interactive engagement with my students – both as a teacher and a learner. Within the Nuclear and Radiological Engineering (NRE) and Medical Physics (MP) Programs at Georgia Tech, I wish to bring my own experience (educational, professional, and personal) as a minority woman and first-generation graduate, in a discipline in which there is broad underrepresentation.

I view my research and teaching environments as a mosaic – the fabric of diverse experiences creates a unique and rich environment for all students to learn from each other and flourish. I strive to serve as both a leader, a mentor, and a lifelong learner in my research laboratory, within the NRE MP Programs, and within the Georgia Tech Community.