Research Group Flyer: Fall 2024 RED2 Flyer
GT 1000: Seminar given to GT 1000 (Fall 2024)
Contact us!
LinkedIn: Dr. Shaheen Dewji
We are always looking for motivated and talented undergraduate students, graduate students, visiting research scholars, and postdoctoral fellows.
Graduate Students
If you are currently a Georgia Tech graduate student looking for a research group laboratory, please visit this page regularly for updated postings for availability.
If you are looking for a graduate position for next year (either M.S. or Ph.D.) and you are not at Georgia Tech, you will need to apply through the NRE/MP Program website.
Undergraduate Students
If you are an undergraduate student at Georgia Tech, please send Dr. Dewji ( an email with:
- Prior experience (e.g. resume or CV)
- Unofficial transcript(s).
- A short (1-2 paragraph) description of your research interests.
- Related projects of specific interest being conducted in the RED² Laboratory.
- Desired level of effort (number of credits) if looking for Directed Studies credit.
For students interested in pursuing coursework in research areas of interest to the RED² Laboratory and taught by Dr. Dewji, please check out the Courses section for offerings at the undergraduate and graduate levels.