Uncertainty Analysis of Dose Coefficients for Nuclear Incident Response

Funding: National Nuclear Security Administration – Office of Nuclear Incident Response (NA-84) via Sandia Nationa Laboratories (L. Cochran)
Period of Performance: Oct. 1, 2020-Sept. 30, 2023

For internal dosimetry, ICRP 66 models the HRTM for the inhalation pathway. To better define the uncertainty of the internal dose derived from ICRP 66, uncertainty propagation of the input parameters resulted in the overall uncertainty of the output. Probability density functions for each input parameter such that Latin hyper cube sampling can generate an unique array of input parameters. DAKOTA handles the sampling method for the probability density functions for particle size, particle deposition, particle clearance rates, and biokinetic transfer coefficients. The resulting effective dose will be used in conjugation with external derive response levels (DRL) produced by the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) for external dose, thereby defining the total dose resulting from the summation of the internal and external doses for informed protective action decisions.

Data product displaying the Cs-137 Deposition DRL distribution from the NARAC simulations. (From SAND2018-0329, 2018)