Neutron dosimetry and Assay with a Portable Neutron Multiplicity Detector

Neutron multiplicity analysis is used for many applications, including nonproliferation and criticality safety. Multiplicity detectors have advantages over total neutron counting as they provide the ability to assess both multiplication and mass in fissionable material. In addition, multiplicity detectors can generate real-time information, e.g., dose estimation.

The ability to evaluate the detector efficiency in each application is of primary importance in producing meaningful analyses. Multiplicity detectors usually house 3He tubes within a polyethylene moderator. If the tubes are located behind different thickness of polyethylene, they will have different energy responses.

The proposed research investigates the characterization of a portable NMC detector to provide neutron source strength evaluation and thus enable single-system analysis of an unknown multiplying medium. The detector chosen for the work, the MC-15, will also have the potential to provide neutron dose estimation.

Diagram of the MC-15 neutron multiplicity counter as it is modeled in MCNP6.2.