
RED² Graduate Evaluates the Level of Radiation Protection Offered by Vehicles in a Radiological Event

Congratulations to Sena Dalak – the latest graduate from RED². Sena completed her MS in Nuclear Engineering.

Congratulations to  Sena Dalak, RED²’s latest graduate! Sena graduated this past summer with an MS in Nuclear Engineering under Dr. Dewji. We had a chance to sit down with Sena to share her graduate experience in the RED² Laboratory.

Thesis title: “Estimation of Protection Factors for The Transport of Radioactive Material” (details here).




  1. Please describe your project(s) work you conducted in the RED² Laboratory.
  • I performed radioactive material transportation studies using Type A and Type B packages simulated in MCNP and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) code, RADTRAN, to conduct transportation regulatory risk assessment. In this study, I have experienced challenges to find experimental data to compare the results of my MCNP simulations and to find some answers related to the code RADTRAN. Because of these challenges, this work could not go further.
  • I analyzed vehicle radiation protection factors (RPF) to determine shielding protection from external radiation sources with realistic representative models; included phantoms in realistic driving postures generated with the US-NRC Phantom with Moving Arms and Legs software. The limitation of this study was to find proper dimensions of a vehicle (military/civilian) and a trailer to simulate in MCNP however, I solved this problem producing a vehicle and a trailer from a computer-aided design (CAD) model implemented in MCNP by making use of Rhinoceros with the Grasshopper add-on. Then, the dose limits are evaluated using 2011 Fukushima environmental data for consequence management using NCRP recommendations.
Geometries used in simulations for a soil contamination scenario to calculate external dose coefficients to operators of vehicles in radiological environmental emergencies.
  1. What scientific/technical tools/methods did you use/learn to conduct your investigation?

I have developed proficiency with of several analytical tools, such as MCNP, RADTRAN, PIMAL, Vised, Python, Radiological ToolBox, and the recommendations and guidelines provided by governing/regulatory bodies (e.g., IAEA, NRC, and ICRP).

  1. What non-technical skills did you develop as a result of your experiences? Did you present at any conferences or win any awards because of your research?

I believe that I have developed my strengths include being a good team player and having a good communication from my experience working with my research group. I presented my work at the STC-HPS 2021 Virtual Spring Meeting and the 66thAnnual Meeting of the Health Physics Society. I also received an Education Grant from STC-HPS and Travel Grant from HPS.

  1. What was the impact of your work ? Where are you headed next?

My work has been submitted and will be published by the Health Physics Journal, where I have also presented at the STC-HPS 2021 Virtual Spring Meeting and the 66th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society. My career goals would be to first begin as a radiation specialist and gain some experience and eventually lead a team of radiation specialists. As of September, I will be working on transportation of radioactive materials at the Turkish Nuclear Regulatory Authority as Assistant Specialist.

  1. What excited you the most about your experience with RED²?

Gaining experience in an academic environment under my advisor [Dr. Dewji] and being able to accomplish publishing some of my work and presenting at a professional conference.


RED² Awards at 66th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society

The 66th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society was held from July 25-29, 2021 in Phoenix, AZ where the RED² Laboratory participated both remotely and virtually in poster and presentation sessions.

RED² undergraduate student, Sherry Adadi (left) and graduate student, Sena Dalak (right), presenting at their first HPS conference.

Included in the technical program were projects presented by both undergraduate and graduate RED²students. Click on the title to view the abstracts!

Emergency Response and Consequence Management

S Dalak, S Dewji Estimation of Protection Factors for the Transport of Radioactive Material
A Rosenstrom, E Asano et al. Dosimetry Assessment of Reference Populations Exposed to Prompt Radiation Fields from Nuclear Weapons
DE Margot, LD Cochran et al. Uncertainty Propagation in ICRP 66 Human Respiratory Tract Model (HRTM) Applications in DCAL


Decontamination and Decommissioning

EA Asano, D Coleman et al. Hybrid Radiation Transport Methods for Detector Response Modeling of US EPA Superfund Counts Per Minute (CPM) Calculator
CE Bayne, CC Smith et al. Design Concept for Autonomous Robot for Sub-surface Environmental Characterization at Decommissioning Sites

Risk Assessment

A Kalinowski, D Pawel et al. Comparison of Cancer Risk Estimates from Internalized Uptake of Environmental Radionuclides


Nuclear Medicine

A Willis, S Adadi et al. Estimation of Skin Dose Rate Contamination from I-131 Therapy Patients
LC Aziz, SA Dewji Estimated Dose Rates to Members of the Public from External Exposure to Pediatric Patients Receiving 131I Thyroid Treatment
LC Aziz, SA Dewji Exposure Rate and Detector Response Data for Operational Monitoring of I-131 Patient Release
SA Dewji, A Willis et al. Design of a Mobile Brachytherapy Unit to Deliver Treatment to Patients in Remote Locations.
A Rosenstrom, M Santana et al. Radiation Protection Considerations for High Power Linear Accelerators Used in FLASH Radiotherapy


Occupational Monitoring and Dose Reconstruction

S Dalak, RH Mendleski et al. TLD Sensitivity Analysis for Improvement of Dose Reconstructions for the Department of Energy RadiationExposure Monitoring System


Special congratulations to RED² Ph.D. student, Ethan Asano, as recipient of the prestigious 2020-2021 Health Physics Society Fellowship awards, as well as Sean Dalak, Andrew Rosenstrom, Autumn Kalinowski, and Dmitri Margot for receiving HPS travel grant awards!

2021 HPS presentation by RED² Ph.D. student, Ethan Asano, entitled, “Air Exchange Rate Impact on Actinon, Thoron, and Radon Activity Equilibrium Factor and Inhalation Fractional Equilibrium Factor Determination in Vapor Intrusion Risk and Dose Models”.
2021 HPS presentation by RED² Ph.D. student, Andrew Rosenstrom, entitled, “Radiation Protection Considerations for High Power Linear Accelerators Used in FLASH Radiotherapy”.
2021 HPS presentation by RED² undergraduate senior design team member, Mark Dailey, entitled, Design of a Mobile Brachytherapy Unit to Deliver Treatment to Patients in Remote Locations

Dewji appointed to the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board


Dr. Shaheen Dewji, assistant professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Texas A&M University and Faculty Fellow of the Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives, has been appointed to the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (NRSB) within the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM).

The NRSB serves to organize and oversee studies on safety, security, technical efficacy and other policy and societal issues arising from the application of nuclear and radiation-based technologies. Dewji’s research focuses primarily on radiation protection and dosimetry and nuclear material assay for nuclear safeguards and security, making her an expert addition to the board.

Dewji is moderating the Fourth Gilbert W. Beebe WebinarHealth Effects from Chernobyl and Fukushima on April 7, hosted by the NRSB of the NASEM, which will feature presentations and discussions on radiation and nonradiation induced health effects to populations impacted by the accidents as well as potential transgenerational effects.

“Working with the NRSB is an invaluable opportunity to apply my diverse background and technical experience towards providing scientific leadership in technical and policy guidance applied to the safe and secure use of nuclear materials and technologies,” said Dewji.

Dewji is also the department’s only ADVANCE Scholar. The ADVANCE Scholars Program is Texas A&M’s unique faculty mentoring program designed to advance the success of tenure-track faculty who have been historically underrepresented in higher education. Scholars are able to engage in professional networking opportunities, develop a career plan, share with research experts in their field and heighten their professional visibility.

“I see great value in Dr. Dewji’s participation in this program by providing her the opportunity to access the academic and professional development experiences, which will clearly promote and support her personal and professional growth,” said Dr. Michael Nastasi, head of the nuclear engineering department.

Dewji leads a research laboratory as well, the Radiological Engineering, Detection and Dosimetry laboratory. Her team focuses on harnessing both computational capabilities in radiation transport modeling and experimental measurements using radiation detection for applications in radiation protection, dosimetry, health physics and nuclear materials accounting.

RED² student, Nguyen, selected for the NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program

Three Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives (NSSPI) students have been selected for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Graduate Fellowship Program (NGFP), including RED² graduate student, Audrey Nguyen. The NGFP is administered by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and provides students with a year-long, salaried fellowship that offers training and practical experience in nuclear security and nonproliferation.

Nguyen is a Master of Science student working with Dr. Shaheen Dewji. Her research interests include dose quantification and modeling for emergency response following radiological or nuclear detonation events. Her current project involves using Monte Carlo techniques and source term fallout modeling, in conjunction with physiological models, to quantify radiation contamination and dose from uptakes in the eye. Nguyen earned her Bachelor of Science in radiological health engineering from Texas A&M with a minor in mathematics. Congratulations Audrey!

Read the full story about NSSPI students selected for this competitive opportunity on the NSSPI website (story here by K. Ragusa).

RED² attracts next generation leaders in nuclear engineering from Turkey

As of August 2019, 450 nuclear power plants operate in 31 countries around the world, and construction of 52 nuclear power plants continues in 19 countries. Nuclear energy plays a significant role in the total energy supply worldwide with future energy demand and supply indicating a significant growth of nuclear electricity generation. With countries increasingly considering sustainable energy solutions for the development of society, economy, and environment, nuclear energy has become a viable option to benefit all three pillars. Turkey has had a long-standing dream of developing nuclear power since the 1960s, having venturing five different attempts with majority of Western companies including the Americans, Canadians, French, German and Japanese. Efforts with Russia has resulted in any tangible progress in actuating these dreams. In recent years, Turkey has taken the leap towards establishing nuclear power generation, with construction beginning on the country’s first power plant, at Akkuyu, in April 2018 and with an expected timeline for the first unit to come online in 2023. Since nuclear energy is of importance for clean power generation, Turkey plans to benefit from nuclear technology in the areas of health, industry, transportation, communication and aerospace. Quality management of human resources related to nuclear energy in plant operations, related public establishments and universities in Turkey have been vastly improved, as well as enhancing technological experience about civil nuclear technology and various other fields. Specifically, for these improvements, Akkuyu Nükleer A.Ş. provides education on undergraduate and graduate level and professional specialist training in nuclear power plants of Russia for Turkish students. It is planned that 600 Turkish students will be sent to Russia for this purpose. Additionally, the Turkish government provides a scholarship program to award students the opportunity to study abroad in various areas related to nuclear energy.

Sena Dalak was awarded the opportunity by to study nuclear energy abroad by the Turkish government. Sena was granted the opportunity to choose to complete her studies in either the U.S., Canada, France or Germany, however, her final choice was to study in the U.S. at Texas A&M University due to (1) Texas A&M’s presence as the largest nuclear department in the country, and (2) the wide variety of resources and opportunities given by Texas A&M and its Nuclear Engineering Department due to the experience and expertise of the staff. Upon completion of a Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering with an emphasis on transportation of radioactive material, it is expected Sena will play a role in the nuclear industry by representing the Turkey Nuclear Regulatory Authority.

Sena Dalak graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Energy Engineering from Hacettepe University in 2017. Hacettepe University hosts Turkey’s only collegiate nuclear program, accepting only 40 students annually and conducting the entirety of their nuclear courses in English. In Sena’s undergraduate tenure, she took an active role in the local energy association where she was able to discuss different areas of the nuclear field with other students. In addition, she participated in several internships in different nuclear areas, such as a nuclear research hospital, which sparked her interest in radiation. These experiences encouraged Sena to take additional radiation classes and expand knowledge in the field, ultimately aiding in the decision to choose radiation transport as the primary area of interest for her higher education. Currently, Sena Dalak is a Master’s student in the Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives (NSSPI) at Texas A&M University under the advisement of Dr. Shaheen Azim Dewji. Sena’s research will involve source term estimation and consequence evaluation from incidents involving accidents or sabotage during transportation of radioactive material. In this research, deficiencies will be examined in current radioactive material transportation guidance with the use of tools such as RADTRAN/RADTRAD/RASCAL, with international guidance given by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


Muruvet Kalay is a Master’s student whose research focuses on the assessment of radiation detection efficiency from environmental degradation of plastic scintillator detectors employed at international border crossings. Her work specifically is to investigate the synthesis of robust nanocomposite materials to enhance the longevity of field deployed portal monitors while optimizing radiation detection efficiency to detect smuggled nuclear or radiological material. Kalay, whose educational background in in Physics, wanted to continue her education in nuclear field, because she wants to contribute to her country as part of its activities in the nuclear field in Turkey. Kalay chose to study in health physics in Texas A&M University, and as a student in NSSPI under Dr. Dewji,  given the breadth of excellent opportunities and rigorous educational program. Kalay’s work is co-advised by Dr. Pasquale Fulvio jointly between the Nuclear Engineering and Material Science and Engineering departments. Kalay adds: “Owing to the fact that the USA is the ideal place to pursue an education considering its policies in higher education and quality of assessment, I am strongly determined to reach my goals and be successful. I strongly believe that I will gain significant experiences by studying at Texas A&M University and is an honor to pursue my goals in Texas A&M University and embrace the Aggie experience”. GigEm!


Latest publication: Posture-specific neutron dose coefficients and investigation on effect of neutron resonances



Radiation dose estimations in the human body are performed using computational reference phantoms, which are anatomical representations of the human body. In previous studies, dose reconstructions have been performed focusing primarily on phantoms in an upright posture, which limits the accuracy of the dose estimations for postures observed in realistic work settings. In this work, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 103 recommendations for monoenergetic neutron plane sources directed downward from above the head (cranial) and upward from below the feet (caudal) for adult female and male reference phantoms were used to calculate organ absorbed and effective dose coefficients. The Phantom with Moving Arms and Legs (PIMAL) and the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) radiation transport code were used to compute organ-absorbed dose and effective dose coefficients for the upright, half-bent (45°), and full-bent (90°) phantom postures. The doses calculated for each of the articulated positions were compared to those calculated for the upright posture by computing the ratios of the coefficients (45°/upright and 90°/upright). These ratios were used to assess the effectiveness of upright phantoms in providing a comparable estimate when conducting dose estimations and dose reconstructions for articulated positions.



This work compiling neutron cranial and caudal posture-specific dose coefficients completes the series of dose coefficients computed for posture-specific ICRP Publication 116 irradiation geometries for monoenergetic photons and neutrons, in addition to cranial and caudal monoenergetic photons. Results reported demonstrated that organ-absorbed dose coefficients for most of the organs in the CRA and CAU irradiation geometries were significantly higher for the bent phantoms than for the upright phantom. Since the upright phantom underestimates the organ-absorbed dose, this demonstrates the impact of posture while performing dose calculations. Organ doses reported in past neutron dose coefficient data were found to omit effects from neutron resonances at energies of 0.435, 1.0, and 3.21 MeV from 16O in tissue. Reported data notes as high as 60% underestimation for neutron organ-absorbed doses, specifically at the neutron resonance energy region omitted by smoothing. Ongoing studies are examining the effect of resonances on reported neutron organ-absorbed dose coefficients in ICRP 116 geometries.

Nuclear engineering professor to present on expert panel

Originally posted here authored b


Dr. Shaheen Dewji, assistant professor in Texas A&M University’s Department of Nuclear Engineering, will participate in an expert panel webinar on January 21, 2021 hosted by the American Nuclear Society. The webinar, titled “Talking About Low-dose Radiation Risk,” will include a panel of five experts who will discuss how to communicate the risk of low-dose radiation to the general public.

Dewji is a faculty fellow for the Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives, where she oversees the Radiological Engineering, Detection and Dosimetry (RED2) research group. Her research interests include radiation protection and dosimetry, nuclear medicine, emergency response and defense, and Monte Carlo computational detector validation.

As Dewji will discuss with her colleagues, it is well known that high levels of radiation exposure can prove fatal or lead to the development of cancer. However, researchers are still trying to understand the effects of low-dose radiation on the human body. Americans are exposed to trace amounts of radiation every day, about half of which comes from natural background radiation from the Earth. The other half comes from medical, commercial and industrial sources such as x-ray examinations or the natural radiation in food. The small amounts of radiation that humans are exposed to have not been shown to cause any harm, but the data are still inconclusive.

The webinar will discuss the efforts of a sustained low-dose radiation research program and how to improve risk communications practices with the public. The panelists include Dr. Amir Bahadori from Kansas State University, Dr. Donald Cool from the Electric Power Research Institute, Dr. Paul Locke from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar from Idaho State University and American Nuclear Society president.

Double Feature Publications: Pediatric Series Specific Absorbed Fractions for Photons and Electrons

PAPER 1: Specific absorbed fractions for a revised series of the UF/NCI pediatric reference phantoms: internal photon sources

Assessment of radiation absorbed dose to internal organs of the body from the intake of radionuclides or, in the medical setting through the injection of radiopharmaceuticals, is generally performed based upon reference biokinetic models or patient imaging data, respectively. Biokinetic models estimate the time course of activity localized to source organs. The time-integration of these organ activity profiles are then scaled by the radionuclide S value, which defines the absorbed dose to a target tissue per nuclear transformation in various source tissues. S values are computed using established nuclear decay information (particle energies and yields), and a parameter termed the specific absorbed fraction (SAF). The SAF is the ratio of the absorbed fraction (AF) – fraction of particle energy emitted in the source tissue that is deposited in the target tissue – and the target organ mass. While values of the SAF may be computed using patient-specific or individual-specific anatomic models, they have been more widely available through the use of computational reference phantoms. In this study, we report on an extensive series of photon SAFs computed in a revised series of the UF/NCI pediatric reference phantoms which have been modified to conform to the specifications embodied in the ICRP reference adult phantoms of Publication 110 (e.g., organs modeled, organ ID numbers, blood contribution to elemental compositions). Following phantom anatomical revisions, photon radiation transport simulations were performed using MCNPX v2.7 in each of the 10 phantoms of the series – male and female newborn, 1-year-old, 5-year-old, 10-year-old, and 15-year-old – for 44 different source and target tissues. A total of 25 photon energies were considered from 10 keV to 10 MeV along a logarithm energy grid. Detailed analyses were conducted of the relative statistical errors in the Monte Carlo target tissue energy deposition tallies at low photon energies and over all energies for source-target combinations at large intra-organ separation distances. Based on these analyses, various data smoothing algorithms were employed, including multi-point weighted data smoothing, and log-log interpolation at low energies (1 and 5 keV) using limiting SAF values based upon target organ mass to bound the interpolation interval. The final dataset is provided in a series of 10 electronic annexes in MS Excel format. The results of this study were further used as the basis for assessing the radiative component of internal electron source SAFs as described in our companion paper for this same pediatric phantom series.

PAPER 2: Specific absorbed fractions for a revised series of the UF/NCI pediatric reference phantoms: internal electron sources

In both the ICRP and MIRD schemata of internal dosimetry, the S-value is defined as the absorbed dose to a target organ per nuclear decay of the radionuclide in a source organ. Its computation requires data on the energies and yields of all radiation emissions from radionuclide decay, the mass of the target organ, and the value of the absorbed fraction – the fraction of particle energy emitted in the source organ that is deposited in the target organ. The specific absorbed fraction (SAF) is given as the ratio of the absorbed fraction and the target mass. Historically, in the early development of both schemata, computational simplifications were made to the absorbed fraction in considering both organ self-dose (r_S=r_T) and organ cross-dose (r_S≠r_T). In particular, the value of the absorbed fraction was set to unity for all “non-penetrating” particle emissions (electrons and alpha particles) such that they contributed only to organ self-dose. As radiation transport codes for charged particles became more widely available, it became increasingly possible to abandon this distinction and to explicitly consider the transport of internally emitted electrons in a manner analogous to that for photons. In this present study, we report on an extensive series of electron SAFs computed in a revised series of the UF/NCI pediatric phantoms. A total of 28 electron energies – 0 to 10 MeV – along a logarithmic energy grid are provided in electronic annexes, where 0 keV is associated with limiting values of the SAF. Electron SAFs were computed independently for collisional energy losses (SAFCEL) and radiation energy losses (SAFREL) to the target organ. A methodology was employed in which values of SAFREL were compiled by first assembling organ-specific and electron energy-specific bremsstrahlung x-ray spectra, and then using these x-ray spectra to re-weight a previously established monoenergetic database of photon SAFs for all phantoms and source-target combinations. Age-dependent trends in the electron SAF were demonstrated for the majority of the source-target organ pairs, and were consistent to values given for the ICRP adult phantoms. In selected cases, however, anticipated age-dependent trends were not seen, and were attributed to anatomical differences in relative organ positioning at specific phantom ages. Both the electron SAFs of this study, and the photon SAFs from our companion study, are presently being used by ICRP Committee 2 in its upcoming pediatric extension to ICRP Publication 133.


RED² Graduate Students, Asano and Perry, awarded prestigious Health Physics Society Fellowships

Congratulations to both RED² students!


TAMU Nuclear Engineering Students Elected to American Nuclear Society National Officer Positions


Alex’s E-mail:    Website:

Athena Sagadevan is a PhD candidate in nuclear engineering at Texas A&M University (TAMU) and the Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives (NSSPI). Her work focuses on safeguarding spent nuclear fuel in dry cask storages by designing remote monitoring systems. Prior to that, Sagadevan received her B.S and M.S degrees in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences from the University of Michigan in 2014 and 2016 respectively. There she worked with the Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group to assist in the design of a handheld neutron imager.

Sagadevan’s journey into nuclear engineering was rather unconventional. Having grown up in Malaysia and never heard of nuclear energy, she was set to pursue her future becoming an airline pilot. However, a surprising turn of event led her journey across the world to discover her passion in nuclear engineering.



After completing her Master’s degree with an emphasis in radiation detection and nonproliferation, Sagadevan was keen on pursuing an education that focused on deterring the spread of nuclear weapons. NSSPI was at TAMU was a huge draw as it was the premier institute for this field. It is the first U.S. academic institution that focused on technical graduate education and research to safeguarding nuclear materials and the reduction of nuclear threats.

While at TAMU, Sagadevan had the opportunity to take classes in nuclear security, safeguards and policy that broadened her horizons and shaped her views on this topic under the supervision of her adviser and NSSPI Director, Dr. Sunil Chirayath. She also had the opportunity to intern at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory. “The education I received was beyond the classroom – for instance, to study the nuclear fuel cycle, I was sent to the UK (as a part of the nuclear field experience) to visit an enrichment plant, a fuel fabrication facility, a reactor, etc. Experiences like that translate to developing an immeasurable lifelong impact”, said Sagadevan. Armed with the knowledge and experience she has gained, Sagadevan wants to pursue a career in developing cutting edge technologies that can safeguard spent nuclear fuel. “This is a critical challenge that the world faces today, and I am in a position to help with that, thanks to my education at Texas A&M”.

Sagadevan’s journey in the American Nuclear Society started in 2014 when she joined as a national member. Since then she has been actively involved- She served as the Vice President for the ANS University of Michigan Student Chapter 2014 – 2015 where she oversaw community outreach and scholarships. She raised $12,000 for the student chapter to send 15 undergraduate students to the 2015 ANS Student Conference. Sagadevan has presented at student conferences and ANS meetings. In 2019, she was one of four who received the Diversity and Inclusion Award at the ANS Winter Meeting.

This year, Sagadevan has been elected as the Secretary for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy Division (NNPD) of ANS. She hopes to utilize this opportunity to improve and exploit her technical skills as well as develop her leadership skills to be well rounded. “I am excited to take on this role and look forward to promoting the peaceful use of nuclear technology through safeguards, security, and nuclear nonproliferation policies.” Sagadevan hopes to graduate with her PhD and work at a national lab where she can actively contribute to the development of safeguarding technologies.

Athena’s Linked In:  Email:

Congratulations to both students and we wish them both successful terms as future leaders of the American Nuclear Society!