“Scientists investigate that which already is. Engineers create that which has never been.”
– Albert Einstein
The Radiological Engineering, Detection, and Dosimetry (RED²) Laboratory at Georgia Tech is led by Dr. Shaheen Dewji. The RED² Laboratory’s research focuses on harnessing both computational capabilities in Monte Carlo radiation transport modeling and experimental measurements using radiation detection for applications in radiation protection, dosimetry, health physics, and nuclear materials accounting.
Computational Dosimetry: Research activities include the development of dose coefficients using age/sex-specific anthropomorphic computational phantoms and radionuclide biokinetic models for occupational nuclear workers, members of the public, nuclear medicine, space, defense, and emergency response.
Radiation Detection and Shielding: Research activities include the employment of validation and verification of gamma-ray spectroscopic detector responses for contaminated environmental media for environmental assessment and decommissioning; field triage assessment of radiation uptake during nuclear, radiological, and fission product release events; and nuclear materials control, accounting, and safeguards of special nuclear material.
Nuclear Safety, Security & Nonproliferation Policy, and Nuclear Knowledge Management: Research activities include evaluation of nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation policy, including low dose regulation, nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation, emergency response, nuclear forensics (and here), and nuclear knowledge management.