Evan Walters’ Golden Ratio Cutting Board

Happy Maker Monday! This week we spoke with Evan Walters, a 4th-year ME major who made this incredible wooden cutting board! Evan’s design was based on the Golden Ratio.

Meet the Maker: Evan Walters


Q: Why did you decide to create a cutting board?

A: It’s a cutting board for myself because, while I’ve made a couple by now as gifts, I realized I had never made one for myself.

Photos of Walters’ board


Q: What inspired your design? 

A: I was inspired by the Golden Ratio because I didn’t have a ton of wood to work with but I wanted to have a creative design. Being an ID Minor, they often mention trying to incorporate the Golden Ratio into designs and I thought it was a creative and fun twist for my design.

The Fibonacci spiral: Approximating the harmonious golden ratio | Download  Scientific Diagram

Golden Ratio, based on the Fibonacci Sequence


Thanks for speaking with us, Evan!

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