The InQuBATE Training Program

The Integrative and Quantitative Biosciences Accelerated Training Environment at the Georgia Institute of Technology (InQuBATE @ GT) National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) T32 training grant was established in July 2021. The InQuBATE training program will train a new generation of scientists to understand the dynamics, structure, and function of integrative, living systems given uncertainty. The program will leverage curricular developments in biological theory and modeling as well as data analytics and machine learning to help trainees develop a mechanistic understanding of integrative living systems spanning molecules, cells, to populations. InQuBATE will embrace a training approach that emphasizes discovery-driven approaches in biology by fostering a training environment that inculcates a quantitative mindset, and not just a quantitative toolset. Our long-term goal is to develop a scalable training model to meet the needs of 21st-century challenges through immersive integration of quantitative and data science methods into all aspects of the life science training pipeline. The training program will support cohorts of three PhD students per year, each supported for two years, and mentored by InQuBATE faculty trainers.
Program News
About InQuBATE
The InQuBATE T32 at the Georgia Institute of Technology will train PhD candidates spanning the biosciences, engineering, and computing to integrate computational models, data analytics, and the experimental study of molecules, cells, and populations. Overall, InQuBATE will help transform the foundational and applied study of computational- and data-intensive biosciences in the 21st century and prepare diverse trainees for impactful careers across academia and industry.