Summary of Requirements

Summary of Requirements for Trainees

  • Year 1
    • Take at least one of the two fundamental courses of the InQuBATE program (BIOL6750/PHYS6750, BMED6517)
    • Around the end of year 1 (March/April): Apply to the program
  • Years 2 – 3
    • Stipend supported by T32
    • Complete Advances in InQuBATE Research (1 credit. Seminar in QBioS, Special Topics – 91742 – BIOL 8801 – RAT – taught by Prof. Will Ratcliff) & InQuBATE Project Laboratory (2 credits, first offering in Spring 2023)
    • Complete seminar course: Bioscience communication (Fall semester of year 2. Special Topics – 88621 – BIOL 8801 – BRO’ – Long Title: Prof Develop in Quant Biosci, taught by Prof. Sam Brown.)
    • Complete online Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) course (90 days of appointment)
    • Complete in-person RCR, PHIL6000 or suitable in-major version, e.g., CSE6001 (second semester of support)
    • Attend InQuBATE annual RCR workshop (attend at least once)
    • Develop an Individualized Development Plan (IDP) with faculty advisor
    • Trainees are encouraged to apply for independent fellowships (F32-s, etc.)
  • Years 2 – 5
    • Must acknowledge the T32 grant in publications (T32GM142616)
    • Meet with InQuBATE leadership committee once a year (preferably mid-year)
    • Submit annual progress report, including courses taken, milestones achieved, publications, presentations, awards, etc. (a template will be provided).
    • Participate in summer activities (at least 2 during support period, and at least 1 afterwards)
      • Statistics boot camps
      • Hands-on Quantitative Biosciences/InQuBATE workshop
    • Program welcome retreat (leadership, October every year)
    • Seminar series (visitors/professional speakers/internal speakers)
    • Participate in a journal club
    • Attend InQuBATE annual RCR workshop (attend again in year 5)
  • Post-PhD 
    • Complete the exit survey
    • Fellows are encouraged to stay in touch + participate in alumni events