
Apply to the InQuBATE Training Program


The InQuBATE NIH T32 Training Program accepts trainee applications from PhD students in their first year in the QBioS, BioE, BME, CSE, ML, Physics, and Biological Sciences PhD programs. Prospective trainees must be advised by one of the 15 InQuBATE program faculty trainers. Due to NIH rules, InQuBATE supported trainees must be US citizens or permanent residents.  Recruitment will be targeted at students who take at least one of two of the foundational precursors to InQuBATE: (i) Foundations of Quantitative Biosciences, offered in Fall terms; (ii) Machine Learning in the Biosciences, offered in Spring terms. Three entering students will be selected each year and offered two years of support. Applications are due March 31 and more details can be found here. Please reach out to Prof. JC Gumbart to learn more.