
Workshops on Modeling, Software, and Data

Trainees are expected to develop robust computational skill-sets relevant to the study of living systems and to prepare them for sustainable careers. The InQuBATE training program will provide enhanced training in this area through workshops that will augment classroom training with practical skill sets specifically designed for dual-use.  In doing so, we will prioritize the following programmatic offerings:

Software/statistics workshops: Workshops will be offered annually, focused on enhancing the technical skills of trainees in specific methodologies used by InQuBATE labs. The first of these was held in 2023 and will be repeated each summer on a different topic.

2023 InQuBATE Workshop: Computational Problems in Single Cell Transcriptomics and Multi-omics

Over two days, students learned about various methods such as clustering, trajectory inference, lineage tracing, and others for analyzing multi-omics data.

Annual Hands-On InQuBATE Modeling Outreach Workshop: Program Faculty will work with trainees to organize, prepare, and teach an annual workshop intended to expand the impact and dissemination of quantitative methods to a diverse range of students (and of instructors). The workshop is part of an ongoing program organized by former PI Weitz and current PI Gumbart (starting in May 2017). Recent examples include the following:

2023 Hands-on Workshop on Machine Learning of Viral Molecular Dynamics

This workshop focused on using ML approaches, including random forests and neural networks, to analyze molecular dynamics simulation data.


2022 Hands-on Workshop on Stochastic Gene Expression

This workshop, the first in person since 2019, brought  participants from around the Atlanta area to GT to learn the basics of developing stochastic models of gene expression.