
Graduate Students

Da Eun Kim


I am a third-year graduate student in the adult development and aging program. I earned my M.A. in Ewha Womans University specializing in counseling psychology. Afterwards, I worked at a clinical research institute in Korea researching cognitive intervention methods for elderly with Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment. Combining the two, my current research interests include the individual differences in memory function and how it impacts meaning-making in later life. I am also interested in how technology plays a role in memory reconstruction.

Sarah A. Kim


Hi. I am a second-year graduate student in the adult development and aging program of Georgia Tech. I completed my undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Washington. As I spent years interacting with various age groups – infants to older adults, I became interested in human development in general. Narrowing down, I have passion in studying individual and cultural differences in language development, loss, and usage and how it may impact social skills and emotion and create bonds between different generations.

Nikhil Shanbhogue

Hello, I am a first-year Master’s student in Electrical and Computer Engineering focusing on Machine Learning and its myriad applications. I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from B.M.S College of Engineering in India and worked for a few years as an embedded engineer at a US-based startup called Netradyne. My current research interests revolve around Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Generative AI, and their implementation on real-world problems comprising classification and interpretation of medical images, and VAE-based collaborative Filtering for recommendations. I aspire to continually develop my passion and make a meaningful impact that benefits all with prejudice.

Anisa Aisha

I am a second year Master’s student in Computer Science at Georgia Tech, specializing in Computer Graphics. I obtained my BS in Computer Science from Habib University in Pakistan. Later, I worked for 2 years as a software engineer at a US based startup called My current research interests include graphics and video game programming, with a particular emphasis on using AR/VR technologies to develop innovative solutions for real-world problems.

Lab Manager

Emily Hutson

Hi, I received my Bachelor of Science in psychology with a minor in data science and analytics from Kennesaw State University. I spent two years as an undergraduate research assistant working on two projects: memory in adults with autism, and how symptom masking affects quality of life in adults with autism. I am excited to broaden my knowledge of adult development and aging while using mixed methods and some new technologies! 

Undergraduate Students

Theresa Glasgow


I am a third year Psychology major with a minor in Social Justice and I plan to pursue a doctorate in psychology following my bachelor’s degree. I am currently involved in research projects involving the psychology of aging and self-continuity.

Bidhya Pradhan

Hello! I’m a fourth-year Neuroscience major, minoring in Psychology and Health and Medical Sciences. My future aspirations include attending medical school and pursuing a fulfilling career as a surgeon. Presently, I’m engaged in research focused on the psychology of aging.

Lab Alumni

URA: Hannah Dancy, Class of 2023, Biochemistry Major; Kelsey Sauers, Class of 2021, Neuroscience Major

GRA: Siddhi Pandare, MSECE; Prasanth Bathala, MSECE; Cagla Aktas, Dokuz Eylul University

VIP student teams: Fall 2021-Fall 2022

Bell, K., Burchfield, S., Chun, G., Davis, McMorris, B., and Rehberg D. G. practiced together for their presentations at the 16th Annual Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium and the 1st Annual Conference of Psychological Research in April 2022 at Georgia Tech.


See also Director and Collaborators.