Rahul Venkatesh

Email: rvenkatesh6@gatech.edu

Rahul Venkatesh is a fourth year doctoral student in the department of chemical engineering co-advised by Dr. Martha Grover, Dr. Carson Meredith and Dr. Elsa Reichmanis. His research focuses on using data centric approaches to optimize the performance of organic field effect transistors fabricated from donor-acceptor copolymers. Rahul was born and raised in Dubai, UAE and moved to Madison, Wisconsin in 2015 to complete his bachelors in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He moved to Atlanta in 2019 to purse his PhD in chemical engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Rahul enjoys being involved with the departmental activities and served as the vice-president of the Association of Chemical Engineering graduate students(ACHEGS). Outside of research, Rahul loves to spend his free time fishing or hiking and on the weekends he enjoys playing tennis or watching the soccer games with his friends.