- NASA STRI: HOME: Habitats Optimized for Missions of Exploration: Space Technology Research Institute (9/1/2019 to 8/31/2025).
- NSF SBIR Phase I: A Blockchain-Driven, Distributed Memory Computational Platform for Industrial Analytics (4/1/2022 to 12/31/2022).
- DOE/NETL: Sensing Electric Networks Securely and Economically (SENSE) (9/1/2017 to 8/31/2021)
- DOE/NETL: Real-Time Health Monitoring for Gas Turbine Components using Online Learning and High Dimensional Data (9/1/2017 to 8/31/2021)
- NSF/FW-HTF-P: Augmenting Cyber-Physical-Human Collaborative Cognition and Designing Future Human-Automation Interaction in Complex Manufacturing and Operational Environments (9/2019 to 8/2020).
- Siemens: Predictive Analytics for Generator Components (9/2016 to 3/2018).
- GE Power: Scalable Predictive Analytics for Power Generation Assets (1/2016 to 1/2018).
- Georgia Tech IDEAS Program: Innovation in Data Engineering and Science Program: Development of a Scalable Analytics Platform Prototype for the Power Generation Industry (9/2015 to 6/2018).
- NSF/CMMI-SMOR: A Prognostic Modeling Methodology for Multi-stream Degradation-based Signals (8/2015 to 7/2019).
- NSF/CMMI-MES: GOALI: Adaptive Degradation-Based Prognosis with Application to Vehicular Electrical Systems (8/2012 to 7/2017).
- Strategic Energy Institute (Georgia Tech): An Analytics-Driven Distributed Optimization Framework for Power Generation Networks (9/2015 to 8/2017).
- Boeing: Foundations for Scalable Manufacturing Analytics (5/2015 to 7/2016).
- Strategic Energy Institute (Georgia Tech): Understanding Big Data Challenges in the Energy Generation Sector (1/2015 to 6/2015).
- NSF/MES: Collaborative Research: Adaptive Maintenance Planning Based on Evolving Residual Life Distributions (9/2009 to 8/2013).
- NSF-CAREER/MES: CAREER: Real-Time Degradation-Based Prognostic Methodology for Improving Reliability and Maintenance Logistics (1/2007 to 12/2012).
- DoD/NAVAIR and Global Strategic Solutions: STTR Phase-II: Aircraft Electrical Power System Diagnostics and Health Management (06/2008 to 12/2008).
- Rockwell Collins: Prognostics of Avionic Systems, Testing capabilities plus technical staff.
- Deere and Company: Sensor-based Prognostics for Bearing Assemblies (5/2006 to 12/2006).
- DoD/AFRL: Development of Sensor-Updated Residual Life Distributions (7/2006 to 7/2008).
- DoD/NAVAIR and Global Strategic Solutions: STTR Phase-I: Aircraft Electrical Power System Diagnostics and Health Management (8/2006 to 6/2007).
- DoD/NAVAIR-JSF and Global Strategic Solutions: SBIR Phase-I: Advanced Prognostic and Health Management for Aircraft Tactical Information and Communication Systems (8/2007 to 12/2007).