Scenario Two: Role 7. High School Guidance Counselor

A guidance counselor from a local high school has been asked to join the committee. High school guidance counselors write recommendation letters for many students. They also are on the front lines of understanding what applying to college is like for students and their parents. Guidance counselors typically provide coaching for students on how to put their best foot forward in their application materials, and counselors strive to make sure each student has a fair opportunity to attend college.

As a high school guidance counselor from the local community, your main points of prioritization include:

  • Explaining the challenges high school students might experience during the college admissions process.
  • Describing whether the expectations for filling out a college application are reasonable for high school students.
  • Describing what measures might help make the college admissions fairer for students.
  • Providing insight on the experiences that students have while applying to college.
  • Describing how other universities might approach the interview and application process.