Meet Our Executive Board

Won Hyuk Do


Has been shooting Barebow for the past 2 year and is planning to try other bow types

1st year Aerospace Engineering Master’s

I once had a pet turtle that ran away.

Calvin Dong

Vice President

Has been shooting barebow/recurve for 2 years

5th year Industrial Engineering Major

Calvin didn’t feel like writing this introduction so he got ChatGPT to do it! As Vice President, his acumen ensures our club’s success. Join us for a thrilling season under Calvin’s precise guidance, both on the range and in the ledger. Let’s take aim for an unforgettable journey together! 🎯

Andrew Schneider


Has been shooting Olympic Recurve for 2.5 years

4th year Mechanical Engineering Major

Dollar store bow technician for at least one exec board officer.

Sriram Kalathoor

Practice Coordinator

Has been shooting Barebow for 4 years

6th year Aerospace Engineering (PhD), Mechanical Engineering (MS), Math (MS)

I’m in 3 graduate programs simultaneously.

Calla Scotch

Tournament Coordinator

Has been shooting Barebow for 11 years

1st year Mechanical Engineering Major

I shepherded 12 stray humans to Michigan and back.

Joyce Li

Membership Chair

Has been shooting Barebow for 2 years

3rd year Computer Science Major

I messed up on the luddy in front of ludwig himself.

Angela Gomez

Equipment Manager

Has been shooting Barebow for 1 year

2nd year Neuroscience Major

I had a pet chicken for 9 months. No, we did not eat her.

Erik Diehl

Equipment Manager

Athira Nair

Safety Officer

Has been shooting Open Compound for 8 years

2nd year Aerospace Engineering Major

Yes, I am really 4′ 11″. No, you cannot use me as an arm stand.

Shreya Sapkal

Social Media Chair

Has been shooting Barebow for 5 months

1st year Mechanical Engineering Major

I like cars (the movies and the multiple tons of metal ones).