Join the Club

Have a Georgia Tech Affiliation

As a sports club under the umbrella of Georgia Tech, we cater primarily to Georgia Tech students. Faculty, alumni, and employees with a relation to Georgia Tech may also join our club. Feel free to contact us if you need any clarifications.

Attend an Orientation

Everyone is required to attend an orientation session regardless of prior archery experience. There are no exceptions. Orientation sessions allow us to make sure everyone’s on the same page about safety and proper equipment usage, and they give you a chance to meet us and shoot in a typical outdoor practice setting. As such, they’re a pretty great way to get introduced to the club without having to commit to being a member. An orientation costs $20 which includes equipment, coaching, and pizza. They are usually Saturday or Sunday mornings and are held on an as need basis throughout both Fall and Spring semesters.

If you want to join the mailing list for upcoming orientations, please sign up here and email us at if you have any questions.

Sign Up

Pay Club Dues
If, after orientation, you’ve decided you want to formally join the club, then the only thing left to do is pay club dues. Cost includes shooting time/space, coaching, and equipment (very cost efficient in terms of range time outside of GT). Club rates for students are as follows:
  • $100 upfront for the year (includes summer)
  • $60 per semester*
  • $20 for the summer semester
*If you’re unsure if archery is for you, and would like to shoot more and spend a little more time with us before making a semester-long commitment, then you can come to any regular practice for $20. Once you’ve come to three practices, you’ve paid your semester dues in full, and can continue to shoot as much as you want with no further payments necessary