Truth be told, the gender spread in Wynonna Earp is one of the best of the (minimal) spread television shows I’ve ever viewed. There is a fairly even mix of both genders being represented, not only through the roles of supporting characters but also as real plotline guiders. Obviously, the show is centered around a bad-ass, demon kicking female gunslinger who goes on to have a baby while getting down and dirty, so most would not assume a lack of diversity in the first place. However, while it is centered around a female character, Wynonna Earp balances out gender representation very well through its diverse character list.
Like stated before, Wynonna Earp (also the name of the main character) is the focus of the show. Unlike many shows with female leads that has a supporting cast of all male characters, there are plenty of other notable women who play crucial roles. One of them is Wynonna’s younger sister, Waverly. Waverly plays an innocent bartender who is far more capable than she first comes off as. Not only is she an expert in demon history, she also stands up against evil for her love and fixes the timeline to take Wynonna back into the present. Other notable female characters include Nicole Haught, Waverly’s love interest and a deputy sheriff who risks her life helping the team fight demons despite being completely unrelated to the issue, the Stone Witch, an ancient force who reeks havoc on the who town to resurrect her husband, and a quite few others. The show is very concise and doesn’t have any sloppy characters who are just there for show, so I think it is safe to say that everyone contributes to the direction of the plotline. In television shows that don’t necessarily have a focus on gender equality, it is easy to see how diverse characters would be written in only to have no impact on the show. Wynonna Earp is clearly not like that at all.
The show has fairly diverse representation when it comes to race and sexuality. There are multiple same-sex couples on the show, as well as Hispanic and South Asia representation, although the racial representation could certainly be improved. While watching the show, I did not feel like any minority representation stuck out specifically, which is a great sign because it means that they were treated and represented like normal people. There is no conflict beyond the humans versus demons fight, and to me, that shows the complete inclusivity that the show strives to represent.

Cast of Wynonna Earp and writer Emily Andras. Plenty of female characters!
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