Fan Favorites: Admission Blog Greatest Hits

This week we welcome Interim Executive Director of Admission, Mary Tipton Woolley, to the blog. Welcome, Mary Tipton!

Over the last several years, the Georgia Tech Admission Blog has allowed us to share our knowledge and expertise with a wide audience. As loyal readers know, the main author of the blog, Rick Clark, moved into a new role at Georgia Tech in January.

Before the summer begins, we want to take a moment to reflect on the greatest hits over the last eight years – think of it as a Spotify wrapped for the history of the blog!

The blog started in the fall of 2015, so we’ll start our recap in 2016. These top blog posts for each year are evergreen and many continue to reign as some of our most read blogs of all time. 

2016 – The year of Brexit and the Cubs winning the World Series for the first time in over 100 years also saw the publication of one of our top blogs of ALL TIME, 25 Reasons YOU SHOULD NOT Apply to Georgia Tech. Since then, first-year applications to Georgia Tech have grown 96%, proving that telling people what they shouldn’t do means they will do just that! 

2017 – If you missed the first total solar eclipse in nearly 100 years in August, you may have agreed with the sentiment expressed in the top blog of 2017, Ad(mission): It’s not fair. 

2018 – In the same year Rick decreed that listening is That ONE Thing that is most important in the admission process, Drake was the most listened to artist on Spotify. 

2019 – The top blog of 2019 had a funny name but continues to be one of our most popular blogs of all time – Will saying I’m a blueberry get me into college? Supplemental Essays 101. Did you know that Georgia, aka the Peach State, actually produces more blueberries than peaches? 

2020 – The top blog of 2020, What does being deferred mean? didn’t come until December – maybe because we had other things on our mind that year? 

2021 – In 2021, many of us waited impatiently for life to return its pre-pandemic normalcy.  With waiting on our minds, it makes sense that the top blog of this year was all about the waitlist – The Waitlist. Why?! 

2022 – The unveiling of the first image from the James Webb telescope in July 2022 proved that man will go to incredible lengths to understand space, so why not continue to ask what requirements it takes to get into a college? What Are Your Admission Requirements addresses this continuous quest for admission knowledge. 

2023 – This year brought the summer of “Barbenheimer” at the box office and The Two Most Important Letters in College Admission as the most popular blog of the year. 

The world of college admission can often seem like an ever-changing landscape. Because of that, we are committed to reflection and critical thinking about the content we provide to you and have decided to pause the blog this summer to do just that.

You can expect us back here in August with a variety of writers from our team focusing a bit more on Georgia Tech specific content. We are hopeful this blog will continue to be a resource students, supporters and counselors can utilize in their daily work.

We hope you all have a great summer. We can’t wait to connect with you again soon! 

Author: Rebecca Tankersley

Becky Tankersley is the Director of Communications for Enrollment Management at Georgia Tech. She has worked in higher education for more than a decade in a variety of roles in admission, recruitment, and communication. In her past life she worked as a television news producer. Her current role blends her skills in communication and college recruitment.