Administrative Policies and Procedures

This section of the handbook covers policies that affect your teaching and other activities at Georgia Tech. Many of these policies are Institute-wide, and some have been set by LMC. The Writing and Communication Program also makes its own policies, so whenever you have questions or doubts about policies, please consult Andy or Rebecca.

Course Assignments and Descriptions

What You Teach. Brittain Fellows hired to teach first-year composition usually teach three sections of English 1101 in the fall and three sections of English 1102 in the spring. Fellows hired to teach technical communication usually teach LMC 3403, LMC 3431/LMC 3432, or a combination of these courses both semesters.

When You Teach. In cooperation with the Office of the Registrar, Andy Frazee and JC Reilly create the schedule for upcoming semesters early in the fall and spring term. During this process, you are asked for your schedule preferences and any unusual circumstances that would necessitate a specific schedule. Schedules are determined by seniority and unusual circumstances.

While LMC makes every effort to accommodate schedule preferences, the Associate Directors are limited by student demand and space constraints. Some Brittain Fellows will therefore be obligated to teach early morning or late afternoon classes. Tuesday/Thursday schedules are usually assigned to senior fellows. All faculty members learn their upcoming schedule before student advising starts, in the ninth or tenth week of the term.

Where You Teach. Most courses taught by WCP faculty are located in Skiles, in the Stephen C. Hall Building, or in Clough, but during peak hours not enough space exists in these buildings to accommodate all English and LMC courses. As a result, some Brittain Fellows teach in additional locations determined by the Office of Space Planning. When this happens, JC will provide Brittain Fellows with information about the location. Brittain Fellows may request alternate classrooms; however, campus space is limited, and LMC is at the mercy of Space Planning in these circumstances.

How Many Students You Teach: Overloads. A typical section of English 1101 or 1102 or LMC 3403 will have at most 25 students. Very rarely, we must stretch that limit. An “overload” is an extra seat in a class that has already met its maximum enrollment.

During Phase I of registration (the two-week “early registration” period the semester before the term in question), LMC offers overloads to graduating seniors and LMC majors only. During Phase II (the “late registration” period during the first week of classes), we extend overloads to graduating seniors, LMC majors, and other students with a compelling reason to take the class. LMC tries always to keep overloads to a minimum.

Faculty members cannot grant overloads. Students who believe they have a reason to be granted an overload must meet with JC Reilly who will determine whether the situation justifies an overload.

Occasionally, LMC will increase class size by a seat or two for courses in high-demand (e.g. ENGL 1102, LMC 3403). We try to balance the needs of the students with the needs of the faculty. We keep enrollment numbers as low as possible and distribute extra students equitably.

Sharing Information about What You Teach: Course Descriptions. Brittain Fellows use Googleforms to submit brief (one paragraph descriptions) of ENGL 1101 and 1102 course themes. You will receive an email from Andy Frazee, as well as an announcement in the Weekly Digest, about submitting course descriptions. Course descriptions for the next semester are typically due in October for spring courses and March for fall courses, so students can see them at the start of registration.

Office Hours.
GT expectations: Georgia Tech expects that all faculty hold regularly-scheduled office hours, and to clearly communicate these office hours to students. If a student is unable to attend regularly-scheduled office hours due to a legitimate scheduling conflict, faculty should try to schedule a way to meet with the student outside of the standard office hours, at a mutually convenient time.
WCP expectations: Generally, WCP faculty are expected to hold 2-3 hours of regularly-scheduled office hours per week.

Class Cancellation, Online Substitution, and “Hybrid” Courses

As the sick policy below indicates, if you are going to be out sick and must cancel your class meetings, call the Administrative Office at 404-894-2730, and someone will post a cancellation note on your classroom door.

Avoiding Cancellations. Illness, professional travel, family issues, and other events frequently create conflicts with scheduled classes. Whenever possible, you should avoid cancelling your classes; instead, you should either ask a colleague to cover your classes or arrange for an alternative means of meeting your class. In either case, you should prepare an activity related to ongoing coursework. If you know about a conflict, such as an academic conference, before the start of the semester, mention it on your syllabus along with whatever plans you have for the activity that will occur instead of a regular class meeting.

Asking a Colleague to Cover Classes. During your time as a Brittain Fellow, you will probably make connections with other Britts that might include arrangements for swapping class coverage, i.e., you cover a friend’s classes when she’s at a conference, and she does the same for you. Such arrangements don’t always work in a pinch, so if you need someone to lead your classroom during your absence, you might send out a call for help on the Britts’ listserv,

Alternative Meetings. In-person coverage of classes isn’t always necessary. In fact, especially if you know about an absence in advance, the program encourages you to arrange an alternative means of meeting your classes. For example, you might consider using Canvas’s chat room feature for synchronous communication or Canvas’s Forums for an asynchronous discussion. Chat rooms often produce new and productive patterns of participation, and discussion forums are particularly useful for peer review sessions because students can attach their drafts and their mark-ups in threads that allow substantive commentary on an artifact’s development.

Hybrid Courses. As part of a D-Ped project, to compensate for extended travel, or for expanding pedagogical experience, Brittain Fellows sometimes want to create hybrid courses, or courses that replace a significant number of scheduled face-to-face class meetings with digital interactions. Although our program does NOT offer purely online courses, we want to create room for pedagogical experimentation, and we’ve had success with such hybrids. As a rule, we try to limit hybridization to 2/3 face-to-face, 1/3 digital interactions. If you’re interested in trying a hybrid course, talk to Andrew and Rebecca.

Reserving Screening Rooms, Labs, and Other Spaces

To reserve a space in Hall contact our Assistant Director. If the space is available, they will reserve it for you.

To reserve a space in Skiles, go to the main administrative suite, Skiles 336, and look for the Red Book, a red binder near the fax machine and administrative photocopier, behind the reception desk. The Red Book contains a section for each of the rooms we control and calendars in which you can sign your name and indicate the date and time when you need the space.

Class Visits

The Brittain Fellowship Classroom Observation System (COS) serves as professional development for Brittain Fellows. Its primary goals are providing instructors with useful feedback on their teaching, creating opportunities to observe other teaching practices and styles in the department, and promoting a free exchange of ideas about approaches to teaching, particularly teaching in literature, culture, and communication.

In addition, COS creates stronger professional ties between members of the program by encouraging closer collaborative professional contact.

COS also provides Brittain Fellows with alternative sources for career reference letters by creating opportunities for peers to gain firsthand knowledge of one another’s teaching abilities.

Finally, with your contributions, COS supplies important information about the program’s strengths and weaknesses in the area of teaching. Such information is invaluable for determining future directions for Brittain Fellow training.

Administrative Class Visits. At least once during the academic year, you should invite Andy or Rebecca to visit one of your classes. Class visits will assist in the assessment of the program and provide a basis for writing letters of recommendation if requested.

Prior to each visit, you should submit a copy of your current syllabus (or a link to an online syllabus) along with copies of at least two major assignments, including pedagogical objectives, learning outcomes, and general assessment/grading criteria. In addition, you should submit a brief description of the observed class—objectives, learning outcomes, and activities/assignments. Following class visits, you will meet with Andy and/or Rebecca to discuss your teaching, assignments, and ability to meet Communication Program objectives.

Peer Class Visits. The most important part of the COS is the system for having Brittain Fellows observe one another’s classes. This Peer Class Observation System (PCOS) involves many benefits:

  • Direct peer feedback on teaching
  • Opportunities for learning through observation of another instructor
  • Closer professional ties
  • Practice being observed in a classroom setting
  • Practice performing a substantive observation of another instructor
  • Opportunities for additional professional references

PCOS Process The complete observation process involves three important stages: a pre-observation discussion, the observation itself, and a post-observation discussion. All three are important to the effectiveness and usefulness of the system.

Pre-observation. Once an Observer and an Instructor have agreed to the observation, the two participants should meet to discuss when, where, and how the observation will occur. Discussion should include:

  • Clear understanding of when and where the observation will occur
  • Topics and goals of the course
  • Topics and methods for the given class date
  • The Instructor’s strengths in the classroom
  • What the Instructor would particularly like the Observer to pay attention to
  • The Observer’s strengths in the classroom and what he or she would be particularly good at observing

Best practices for this part of the process include:

  • Making sure the Observer has a copy of the syllabus and any relevant materials for the specific class
  • Remembering that there are many approaches to teaching and remaining open to what each instructor brings to the classroom
  • Looking over the Peer Classroom Observation Form beforehand

Observation. For the observation itself, the Observer should make sure to arrive before class begins, plan to observe the entire class period, and take good notes using the Peer Classroom Observation Form as a guide. Best practices for this portion of the process include:

  • Taking high-quality, specific notes
  • Remembering that there are many approaches to teaching and remaining open to what each instructor brings to the classroom

Post-observation. The Instructor and the Observer should plan to conduct a substantive discussion of what happened during the class. This meeting should take place soon enough after the observation that what occurred will be fresh in both participants’ minds, but after enough time has passed to allow both to reflect on the experience (3-7 days is ideal). The Observer should look at his or her notes prior to the meeting in order to offer specific feedback. Discussion topics/questions might include:

  • How the Instructor feels about the class – what went well and what might have gone better
  • What the Observer sees as the strengths of the Instructor and what went well in the class
  • Discussions of specific elements of the class such as Instructor delivery, student engagement, or activities
  • Conversations about how the Instructor might fine-tune performance in given areas for more effectiveness

Best practices in post-observation include:

  • Keeping the focus on the Instructor – the Observer’s function is not to teach or correct the Instructor, but rather to engage in a dialogue about what the Instructor is trying to accomplish and how his or her approach might best be honed to achieve these goals
  • Remembering that there are many approaches to teaching and remaining open to what each instructor brings to the classroom
  • Focusing first and last on the positives of the Instructor’s performance
  • Thinking of this process as collaborative rather than evaluative or judgmental
  • Focusing on specific, concrete aspects of the class
  • Dealing with issues the Instructor can actually do something about and not overwhelming the Instructor with too much at one time

Final Actions. Once all three parts of the process have taken place, participants should each type up and sign a brief summary of the post-observation conversation and, together with the Observation Form, turn these materials in to the Brittain Fellow Program (Rebecca, Andrew, or King Adkins).

These forms will never be used to evaluate your individual performance as a Brittain Fellow, only as a means of assessing the program as a whole. The primary form appears on the pages that follow.

Communicating with Upper Administration

Anyone who has read a great deal of Charles Dickens or Franz Kafka might be naturally suspicious of bureaucratic hierarchies, but nevertheless, we’re all expected to work within them. Richard Utz, LMC Chair, and Jackie Royster, IAC Dean, are nice people who like talking with Brittain Fellows; however, when you have a question, concern, or complaint, you should speak first with Andy, and then with Rebecca. Skipping the “middle man” and “going straight to the top” are inappropriate and counterproductive.

Communicating about Problems. Though members of the upper administration aren’t the people you should contact first, when you have a question, concern, or complaint, you shouldn’t keep it to yourself. Don’t make us wait to hear about it through office gossip or through a central office administrator (such as the Dean of Students) who has heard about it from another source. Instead, contact Andy or Rebecca if you even suspect that a situation involving you and/or a student deserves to be called a “problem.” That’s how we keep little problems from becoming big.

Calling for Help. We must be vigilant and prepared for the unlikely event of a student or other person becoming violent on campus. Safety should be your primary consideration.

If you feel that you or the students in your class might be in danger, or if you encounter a medical emergency, you should contact the Georgia Tech Police, 404-894-2500 (4-2500 from any Georgia Tech phone). Program the GT Police number into your cell phone. 911 calls made from Georgia Tech phones are also routed through the Georgia Tech police because our police force can respond more quickly and effectively to on-campus emergencies. The Atlanta Police and other emergency personnel can be called in if necessary, but without direction from the Georgia Tech Police, they are unlikely to reach the location of an emergency in a timely manner.

Emergency Contacts
Police: 404-894-2500
Information: 404-894-7200
Weather Hotline: 404-894-0500
Health Services: 404-894-1420
Sexual Assault: 404-894-9000
Counseling Center: 404-894-2575

Sign Up for GTENS: This is Georgia Tech’s main automated texting and phone call alert system. You can register for GTENS by visiting PASSPORT When you login, you should see GTENS on the left side of the screen, under “Contact Info.” Please choose to receive both voicemail and text alerts. In an emergency situation, the GTENS system also broadcasts instructions to many campus computers, including the podium computers in most of our classrooms. You can also receive instructions and updates by calling 404-894-7200.

Sign Up for LiveSafe: This app provides text alerts in emergency situations and detailed, updated information about the Georgia Tech Police department, parking policies, and other campus safety procedures. You can also use this app to anonymously report tips to GTPD and to report nonemergency situations. Download the app from your app store platform or visit for more information.

Being Prepared. Georgia Tech has a siren system throughout the campus (it sounds like an air raid and is often tested on Wednesdays) that alerts us to emergency conditions, which might range from a tornado to a gunman on campus. Georgia Tech also has the Georgia Tech Emergency Notification System

Helping At-Risk Students. Because we have contact with so much of the undergraduate student population, we are well-positioned to identify at-risk students so that they can get the help they need. We are not and should not try to be their counselors, but we can certainly help them to find counseling and/or other resources.

If you observe aspects of a student’s appearance or behavior that suggest that the student might be having serious difficulties, such as problems with mental or physical health, please go to and fill out the “Referral Form” on this site. Before you submit the online form, copy what you have written into a Word document. Send this Word document to Andy and Rebecca and make sure you have a readily-accessible copy for your records.

What Are “At-Risk” Behaviors? Be aware of students who are…

Frequently absent

Intoxicated during class

Silent and/or withdrawn

More than usually sleep -deprived (i.e. dark circles frequently under the eyes, often struggling to stay awake in class)

Physically or verbally aggressive

Hostile to classmates and/or specific social groups in their writing

Academic Integrity and Student Conduct. The most common problem you might report is a suspicion that a student has violated expectations for academic integrity. Georgia Tech students are, on the whole, well-behaved, but sometimes the intense pressure here makes the temptation to cheat, for some, too hard to resist. Knowing why it happens doesn’t mean we excuse it. All students are expected to adhere to the honor code, which, once upon a time, the students themselves proposed and wrote so that academic circumstances would remain fair for all.

Georgia Tech Honor Challenge Statement. “I commit to uphold the ideals of honor and integrity by refusing to betray the trust bestowed upon me as a member of the Georgia Tech community.” Including this statement when students submit an assignment is a valuable option in Canvas’s Assignments tool.

Plagiarism. You can resolve a plagiarism case in one of two ways: through a conference, which, if successful, you report after the fact, or through referring the case directly for the Office of Student Integrity (OSI) to handle. To report an incident of suspected plagiarism, go to Once you refer the case to OSI, you can’t discuss it with the student or have any other involvement until/unless the Honor Committee calls you as a witness. Of course, if you go the conference route and don’t come to a satisfactory conclusion, you should refer the case for OSI to handle anyway. However you choose to proceed, you should inform Andy and Rebecca about each step you take.

Student Code of Conduct

You might encounter behavioral problems other than violations of academic integrity. The Student Code of Conduct explains what constitutes unacceptable behavior, and the most current Student Code of Conduct can be found on the Office of Student Integrity website, The following discussions of behavior and discipline derive from that website.

Inappropriate Classroom Behavior. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the instructor. Students who engage in any acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the instructor to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Longer suspensions from a class can be administered only by the Dean of Students.

Student Organizational Discipline. Student Groups and Organizations are accountable to this Code. A Student Group or Organization and its officers may be held collectively and individually responsible when violations of the Student Code of Contact by those associated with the Group or Organization have received the consent or encouragement of the Group or Organization, or of the Group’s or Organization’s leaders or officers.

Progress Reports. Several years ago, the Student Government Association proposed that Georgia Tech issue midterm progress reports to alert students who might be in danger of failing a class. The Faculty Senate approved this measure, and now instructors are required each semester to assign a grade of satisfactory or unsatisfactory for all students in 1000- and 2000-level classes.

Ideally, you will have graded about 20% of your course’s total assignments prior to the due date for progress report grades. Typically students with a grade of C or better at the time of the progress report receive an S, and students with a grade of D or F receive a U; however, the report is primarily a means of communication between instructor and student, so students who have received good grades but have shown other signs of trouble with the class (persistent absenteeism, a sudden decline in performance, etc.) may receive a U if the instructor wants to make them aware of impending problems. Academic advisors can access progress reports of students who receive a U. Advisors may stop these students from registering so that they may get stronger advising before committing to the next semester’s classes. Progress report grades do not have any other effects: they do not appear on the students’ final transcripts, nor do they affect GPA, nor do parents see them (unless students choose to share).

Nevertheless, Georgia Tech takes the submission of progress reports very seriously. To encourage timely submission of grades, the WCP requires instructors to submit grades before Georgia Tech’s deadline. For example, if the Georgia Tech deadline for midterm reports is Monday, February 19 at 12 Noon, you must submit the reports by Sunday, February 18 at 5PM. If the deadline passes without your submission, you will be reported to Rebecca and even the Dean of Ivan Allen College. Nobody wants that. Get your progress report grades in early.

Incompletes and Grade Changes. Students might have special circumstances that keep them from completing the work in your class; you might want to give such students an “Incomplete” rather than a failing grade. The Board of Regents for the University System of Georgia (BOR) sets the criteria for handling a grade of “Incomplete.” The following is from the Academic Affairs Handbook of the Board of Regents, Section 2.05: “I” – This symbol indicates that a student was doing satisfactory work, but, for non-academic reasons beyond his control, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course. The requirements for removal of an “I” are left to the respective institutions; however, if an “I” is not satisfactorily removed after three quarters of residence, the symbol “I” will be changed to the grade “F” by the appropriate official. The current Georgia Tech policy is to allow a student to make up all “Incomplete” grades by the end of the student’s next term of enrollment.

You should not use a change of grade form because a student turned in work after the grade submission deadline or otherwise appealed for an improved grade. You should also avoid submitting grade errors, so you really won’t need change of grade forms very often, if at all.

If you submit a grade in error or issue an incomplete, you will need to complete a change of grade form before the end of the next semester in which the student is enrolled or within one year if the student is not subsequently enrolled. The main reason to change a grade is because you made a calculation error: you should not change a grade because a student begged you to (some will beg for an A in order to keep a scholarship; saying no is sad but necessary), and you should not change a grade because you decide the student didn’t deserve a grade as high as the one she received. Grade changes are almost always in a student’s favor; if you make a mistake that gives a student a slight upward bump, it should probably stand, but if your mistake pushes a student downward, you should correct it. You can probably imagine the administrative entanglements that have created this trend. If you’re worried about this trend being unfair, you’ve got one more incentive not to make a mistake in the first place.

Change of grade forms are available from Andy Frazee; the completed form should be returned to Dawn, who will keep all copies. You can access student information on your class roll and at

Online Instructor Evaluations

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) administers online course evaluations each semester during the last week of class and finals week. Students and instructors can access the surveys using the SmartEvals platform (

Around the middle of the semester, you will receive an email from SmartEvals about customizing the survey, and during the last full week of classes, you will receive another email when the survey goes live. Students also receive an email with links and instructions when the survey goes live.

Students may access course evaluations at You are encouraged to allow students to complete course evaluations during class time. If you cannot complete course evaluations in class, you should remind students about the importance of course evaluations with announcements and email messages. You can also use the SmartEvals instructor portal to send automated reminder emails to students who have not completed evaluations.

Survey results are available usually within a week of the final grade due date. When survey results are ready, you will receive an email that includes PDFs of the reports and a hyperlink to the SmartEvals site.

Your LMC Email Account and Mailbox

Keeping up with your LMC email is crucial for your success as a teacher, scholar, and participant in our program. You are required to check your email at least once each work day. Frequently, you will also receive important information in your mailbox, which is located in the Hall Building. You should check and remove all materials from your mailbox every time you’re on campus.

Georgia Tech Travel Policies

A Brittain Fellow can receive up to $300 in travel compensation each academic year. The money does not roll over if you don’t use it. To receive reimbursement, submit an authorization form to Kenya before you travel, and submit receipts to her after you return. Links to the Georgia Tech travel policies and procedures, as well as all travel forms and travel contracts can be found at this site.

Travel Authorization Forms. All out-of-state travel requires a travel authorization (TA) form be submitted PRIOR to travel. Your expenses will not be reimbursed if the travel authorization form has not been submitted and approved.

  • A TA should be completed only if Georgia Tech funds will be used to reimburse you.
  • TAs should be submitted PRIOR to your trip departure. The purpose of the TA is to approve your trip BEFORE you take it.
  • All TAs must be submitted electronically through Techworks.


  • Access Georgia Tech travel & Expense
  • Create a new travel authority. For the form: Dept #: 340, Project #: 3401200. In the “primary destination” field, enter your city FIRST, then click the magnifying glass

Travel Expense Statements. All reimbursement requests must be submitted within 45 calendar days of the last day of travel. Reimbursement requests submitted after more than 45 calendar days will require a separate memo explaining the reason for delay and must be approved by the Office of the President.

  • Receipts must be processed within 45 days of your return
  • Enter your receipts in to Travel and Expense by creating a new TES. See attached for tips.
  • Email or drop off receipts to me
  • Be sure your airfare and hotel receipts show your method of payment (credit card # ex-ed out or zero balance). If this is not possible, submit a copy of your CC statement showing the charge
  • Most of you will be reimbursed for your $300 travel allowance. Include receipts up to that amount ONLY.

Maternity/Paternity Leave

If pregnancy requires you to request an unpaid leave of absence, contact the Director and Associate Director of the Writing and Communication Program immediately so that arrangements can be made.

Sick Leave Policy

  1. Faculty accrue SICK leave (one day per month)
  2. Absence reports must be completed each month (they are placed in your mailbox)
  3. If you miss a class due to sickness or a doctor’s appointment, you are charged for the full 8-hour day
  4. If you are going to be out sick, call the Administrative Office at 404-894-2730, and someone will post a cancellation note on your classroom door.

If serious illness requires you to request leave of absence, contact Andrew or Rebecca immediately so that arrangements can be made.

Pay Schedule

Brittain Fellows are paid once per month at the end of every month via direct deposit. Because the Fellowship is a nine-month appointment, for August and May, Brittain Fellows (and all other faculty with nine-month appointments) are paid for half of the month. Payment is usually early in December. If you have any questions about the Academic Pay Schedule or finances in general, please email Kenya,, or stop by her office, Skiles 335A.

Accessing Rooms and Equipment

Office Key. Your office key will open the laptop computer lab in Skiles 302, the Faculty Resource Center (aka the mail room—Skiles 327B), west wing classrooms, and exterior and stairwell doors on the third floor. Do not mark your keys with room numbers. Doing so creates a security risk.

Facilities and Equipment. You have access to conventional classrooms with instructor computers and LCD projection for reviewing student work in online forums. In addition, you have access to networked computer labs with approximately 25 student work-stations for in-class electronic writing workshops. Sign-up for these labs is in “the Red Book,” located in the main Administrative Suite, next to the fax machine.

Projection Classrooms. Classrooms 302, 308, 311, 314, 317, 343, 357, 368, 370 and 371 are outfitted with full multimedia systems. All of the rooms have projection capabilities; some of the rooms have a VCR, DVD player, and/or a computer. A separate key is required to access 343, 368, 370, and 371 (the secured classroom key). Please be sure that the windows are closed and the room is secure when you leave the room. Do not leave students unattended in any classroom containing multimedia equipment.

Rooms 371 and 308 are equipped with OIT-supported technology towers. You will need your GT Account username and password to log on to both LMC and OIT-support classroom computers.

You may visit and click “Classrooms” for classroom schedules, capabilities and instructions for working OIT-supported multimedia systems. General information about classroom technology, including information about equipment available in buildings other than Skiles, is available at

Lab Classrooms. Classrooms 302, 357 and 370 are Lab Classrooms for English 1101 and 1102 and LCC 3403. 302 is a special laptop lab, and 357 and 370 have desktop computers. The rooms equipped with desktops are Windows XP environments with Microsoft Office and Dreamweaver. The machines feature software chosen by the department. Additional software may not be installed, and the existing software cannot be reconfigured. When you leave the room, be sure that the windows are closed, the alarms (if applicable) are set, and the room is secure. Make sure students do not bring food and drink into these rooms. Do not leave students unattended in any lab classroom at any time.

Alarm Codes. Classrooms 355, 357 and 369 are protected by alarms. Please see Kenya, Melanie, or Grantley if you need access to these rooms.

Checking Out Equipment.’Please submit a Helpdesk request ( to let the technical support team know what equipment you will need. They have an Apple iBook, two Apple Powerbooks, PC laptops with wireless internet capability, and several portable data projectors. They will prepare a checkout form for you, which you will sign when the equipment is ready to be picked up at Skiles 356.

Photocopier. Before being allowed to copy, you will be required to enter your PIN. Your PIN will be the number 6 followed by the last 4 digits of your GT ID number (your GTID can be found on your Buzzcard).