Defining Features of LMC 3403
At Georgia Tech, the technical communication courses are multimodal. Tech comm builds on the competencies developed in English 1101 and 1102, with an emphasis on communicating in business, science, engineering, and other technical disciplines. Students learn to create workplace genres—from traditional print documents such as correspondence, proposals, and reports to electronic forms such as emails, interactive maps, visualizations, websites, and social media. Students in technical communication learn to assess rhetorical situations underlying workplace genres as they discuss some of the theories and research that define technical communication as a discipline.
Many instructors enrich the course with their nonacademic work experience from the corporate and nonprofit worlds as writers, editors, and communication specialists. Whatever their work experience, technical communication instructors challenge students to think about communication outside the bounds of the classroom. Some instructors build courses around final projects with workplace clients. Some require students to create and run mock companies. Others help students build online portfolios. Still others invite guest speakers from the corporate world. All instructors of tech comm teach the basic genres of workplace communication, information design, and professional etiquette necessary for students to succeed as professionals in their chosen fields. As with other Writing and Communication Program courses, tech comm instructors design courses that reflect their own scholarly interests while meeting Writing and Communication Program outcomes and guidelines related to assessment, textbooks, and other programmatic concerns.
Some sections of LMC 3403 are designated for students in the Scheller College of Business.
Sample Syllabi
Dr. Greene – LMC3403, Spring2018
Dr. Greene – LMC3403, Fall2017
Required Books/Materials for LMC 3403
For Technical Communication Sections: First-time tech comm instructors use the most recent edition of Paul Anderson’s Technical Communication, A Reader-Centered Approach and supplement it with readings that match their sections’ specific focuses. After two semesters of tech comm, instructors may choose a different primary text. Please get Andy Frazee’s approval to use another text and provide a rationale for the change.
For Business Communication Sections: LMC Instructors teaching LMC 3403 to Scheller College of Business students use the most recent edition of Kitty Locker and Donna Kienzler’s Business and Administrative Communication.
Supplemental Readings for LMC 3403
We maintain a file of suggested readings instructors should use to supplement the textbooks. Copies of these articles are available on the Brittain Fellowship T-Square site under Resources > Teaching Resources > LMC 3403 Readings Collection.
Outcomes for LMC 3403
Unlike English 1101 and 1102, tech comm does not have University System of Georgia-mandated outcomes, but Georgia Tech’s Writing and Communication Program does expect specific outcomes related to rhetorical awareness, organization and support, design for medium and conventions, and process. Instructors must convey course outcomes on syllabi. The table below includes the required language.