Champion Research Group

School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Category: News (Page 4 of 5)

Anshul received the Hal Wilson Field Fellowship in ChBE.

The fellowship provides research and travel support, and was awarded through the ChBE department at Georgia Tech. Congrats Anshul!

Jaeyoung passes his PhD qualifying exam in ChBE!

Congratulations to Jaeyoung Park on passing his qualifying exam in ChBE!

Welcome to Thomas and Jaeyoung!

The Champion Lab welcomed Thomas Pho and Jaeyoung Park to the group this semester. Thomas is a MS student with the ACS Bridge Fellowship program, and Jaeyoung is a PhD student in ChBE. Welcome!

Jaeyoung Park

Thomas Pho

Hannah Howard and Stephanie Pish participated in the UROP’s Poster Session this week at GT, Hannah won 3rd place in the competition – what great/enthusiastic undergrad researchers we have!

Thanks for spreading your work to the masses, and congrats, Hannah!

Anshul Dhankher received the Shell Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award at the GT ChBE Honors Luncheon

Congrats, Anshul!

Julie received the $20,000 T.C. Graham Prize from AIST for our innovative use of steel!

Check out that “big check”! Julie received the $20,000 T.C. Graham Prize from the Association for Iron and Steel Technology (AIST) for our lab’s innovative use of steel. Check it out in our recent collaborative publication: Yeongseon Jang, et al., “Inhibition of Bacterial Adhesion on Nano-Textured Stainless Steel 316L by Electrochemical Etching,” (ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2017).  Link:

Two Undergrads, Hannah and Stephanie, received PURA for Spring 2019!, Congrats!

We’re very proud to announce that Hannah Howard and Stephanie Pish, who are both undergraduates in ChemE and working in our lab, and received PURA (President’s Undergraduate Research Award) which will allow them to continue to do paid independent research in our lab in the Spring.

Alex is going to Bristol-Myers Squibb for a 6 month internship in Devens, MA. Congrats!

Alex will be working at Bristol-Myers Squibb to work as a co-op in the process development downstream purification area of the Devens, MA location of BMS.

Adam has gone on a 5 month internship in Evry, France at the UMR Metabolic Genomics Lab! Bon Voyage!

Adam is a 2018-2019 STEM Chateaubriand Fellow, which is offered through the French Embassy. He will study for five months at the UMR Metabolic Genomics laboratory at the CEA in Evry, France.

Kelly Hyland successfully defended her Master’s Thesis

Congrats, Kelly!

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