AB No. 5

Tankard, James, and Laura Hendrickson. Specificity, imagery in writing: Testing the effects of “show, don’t tell”. Newspaper Research Journal, 1996, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/073953299601700105. In Specificity, imagery in writing: Testing the effects of “show, don’t tell”, James Tankard and Laura Hendrickson describe the importance of showing not telling in writing, and they explain “telling makes readers passive,” while … Continue reading “AB No. 5”

AB No. 4

Lobato, Bruna. Snowstorm. The New Yorker, 11 August 2022, https://www.newyorker.com/books/flash-fiction/snowstorm. In Snowstorm, Bruna Lobato, a writer and literary translator who’s at work on her first novel, tells a sweet piece of flash fiction involving a foreign student studying in America; she becomes lonely when all the other students at her college leave for break, and … Continue reading “AB No. 4”

Site Visit Activity (2.21.23)

Method For our in-depth description, our method was to divide and conquer. We knew the most effective way to take notes was to allow everyone to contribute and specialize in a certain aspect of the location. Our group had four members. My job, in particular, was to describe the overall mood and atmosphere of the … Continue reading “Site Visit Activity (2.21.23)”

AB No. 3

Gaffney, David. Stories in your pocket: how to write flash fiction. The Guardian, 14 May 2012, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2012/may/14/how-to-write-flash-fiction. In Stories in your pocket: how to write flash fiction, David Gaffney, a well-credited author of flash fiction, recognizes the value of flash fiction, identifies the difficulty of writing such stories, and provides tips to improve one’s work. … Continue reading “AB No. 3”

AB No. 2

Padnani, Amy, and Katharine Seelye. Whitey Bulger: The Capture of a Legend. The New York Times, 2 Aug. 2013, https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/us/bulger-timeline.html#/#time256_7822. In “Whitey Bulger: The Capture of a Legend,” Amy Padnani and Katharine Seelye, writers for The New York Times, provide a brief account of Whitey Bulger’s life, ranging from when he was a delinquent in … Continue reading “AB No. 2”

AB No. 1

Klein, Christopher. How Whitey Bulger Manipulated the FBI Into Locking Up His Enemies. History, 1 Nov. 2018, https://www.history.com/news/whitey-bulger-fbi-informant. In “How Whitey Bulger Manipulated the FBI Into Locking Up His Enemies,” Christopher Klein, an author of four books whose work has appeared in numerous publications, discusses how although Whitey Bulger was an FBI informant, he manipulated the … Continue reading “AB No. 1”

Project Proposal

Metadata: Cole Parker, D6, 2.10.23 Project Summary: The purpose of my project is to create an entertaining story that offers character and plot development as well as immersive world building, despite being brief, similar to flash fiction. In addition to submerging the reader in South Boston during the mid 1990s, my story will explore themes … Continue reading “Project Proposal”