Method/Methodology Activity

7 group members


Each member will scan the QR code to have a clear picture of the puzzle on their phone that is easily accessible

3 members will assemble the edges (group 1)

4 members will assemble the middle (group 2)

When group 1 finishes, it will work inward to help out group 2


We have a large group, so it’s wise for us to divide and conquer the puzzle. Group 1 is smaller since the edges are easier to locate and assemble. Meanwhile, group 2 is slightly larger considering the middle portion makes up most of the puzzle. Group 1 is expected to finish early. Rather than sit around and do nothing, group 1 will join group 2 in its effort to finish the bulk of the puzzle.


In hindsight, after completing the puzzle in 48 minutes (8 minutes over our goal), I believe our original game plan was slightly flawed. Rather than have group 2 work on the middle portion of the puzzle as a whole, we should’ve divided group 2 into subdivisions that focused on certain objects in the puzzle. For example, one subdivision could’ve worked on the palm trees while another one could’ve worked on the car and its luggage. After that, all of the groups could’ve come together to fill in the gaps between the edges and the various objects in the puzzle. Ultimately, the hardest part when making the puzzle was that the image was a different shade than the actual puzzle, making it difficult to pick pieces and identify where they should be placed according to the display.

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