For the first picture, I described and my partner drew. When I first saw the picture, I didn’t know where to start. There was so much to draw, but I struggled to determine what words to use. The picture was realistic, so one would think it would be easy to describe since my partner and I have both seen landscapes similar to what was pictured. However, drawing nature is extremely difficult. There are so many variations and imperfections that words can’t express. I described the picture one step at a time, mentioning the notable characteristics first and the minor aspects of the picture later. Normally, when I initially said something, it would be general. In my mind, it didn’t seem broad since I could easily visualize what I was saying. However, since my partner didn’t have a picture in front of him, he had to critique my comment until it was more narrow and specific, allowing him to make an accurate illustration. After completing the exercise, the final product was revealed. With no disrespect to my partner’s artistic capabilities, the drawing was not a quality representation of the picture mainly because drawing a landscape is not a simple task. Regardless, the drawing did get the job done considering the class was able to determine which picture the drawing aligned with.
The second picture turned out better and was more fun to draw. It felt more like a puzzle since it involved separate pieces that someone can easily illustrate without being superb at drawing. Although an abstract picture may seem intimidating to describe at first, if you break it up into sections, it is significantly easier than crafting a landscape. My partner slowly walked me through each item in the picture. He would say something, and a short pause would normally follow, giving me time to analyze his description. Then, I would ask follow up questions in an attempt to figure out the dimensions of the object and where exactly it should be located on the page. If we weren’t able to ask questions, this assignment would have been nearly impossible. The final product was accurate. There were, however, some flaws. In particular, when I drew something, it was usually straight, neat, and small. That would happen because those are my inherent tendencies when I draw. However, the actual picture was more sloppy and distorted likely because the artist was less of a perfectionist than me.