Donde Esta MARTA
In this flash fiction, a Peruvian-American family, struggling with the loss of their matriarch due to maternal mortality, attempts to return to Peru while navigating the MARTA.
In this documentary, an alien family, benefitting from overpopulation due to martian medical innovation, attempts to stay home, despite high-speed trains constantly showing up outside.
Facts: Flash Fiction
- Begin in the middle of your story
- There is no verb weaker than “is”
Facts: Peru
- Protests in Peru are causing civil unrest
- Political leaders who revolt often end up in the same place: prison
Facts: Maternal Mortality
- Race is one of the strongest influences of maternal mortality
- Majority of deaths happen within the year after birth
Facts: The MARTA
- Atlanta is one of the least dense major cities
- Majority of MARTA trips factor in other modes of transportation
A central component of my research project (which is flash fiction) is creating a dense, detail heavy story in as few words possible. This activity supported my research because it allowed me to practice absorbing information from various perspectives to create a narrow, concise piece of writing (which, in the case of the activity, was a logline). Initially, it seemed unrealistic to take information from such varying topics to create a uniform plot, but I was surprised by how quickly my brain formed creative stories. Another element of this activity was crafting a realistic idea from unrelated material. In my opinion, the best method for doing this was identifying how each topic could play a role in a story. From there, we brainstormed different ways one could connect each topic. This created a pool of storylines that allowed us to choose which plot sounded the most intriguing, creative, and plausible. My piece of flash fiction requires this skill, so I’m thankful this activity provided me with practice. A story that surprises the audience with mind-bending ideas but simultaneously maintains practicality adds a layer of believability, which is easier for viewers to relate to and connect with. In essence, that’s the goal of my story; I want my story to stand out and resonate with my audience.