
This is the homepage for the Healthcare Robotics Lab at Georgia Tech, which was an interdisciplinary lab at Georgia Tech from September of 2007 to August of 2023.

Over this time, the lab had members from Biomedical Engineering, Interactive Computing, Electrical and Computer EngineeringMechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and Applied Physiology.

Our research sought to advance the capabilities of real robots so that they could provide valued assistance to people. We worked with semi-autonomous mobile robots that physically manipulate the world (mobile manipulators). Healthcare served as an important motivating application area for most of our research. Our projects involved human-robot interaction, autonomous mobile manipulation, machine perception, machine learning, and haptics.

Our lab was part of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University. Charles C. Kemp (Charlie Kemp) directed the lab. The Healthcare Robotics Lab was affiliated with the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines.

We were also very involved with the Robotics Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech. Most of the Ph.D. students who were members of the lab pursued a Robotics Ph.D. However, the students came from many different home schools.

We recommend you look at our publications to see our work. You can also look at overviews of some of our projects.


Google Maps

ATTN: Name of Person
Department: BME
Whitaker Bldg
Healthcare Robotics Lab (Charlie Kemp’s Lab)
4th floor, Room 4234
313 Ferst Dr
Atlanta, GA 30332
United States

Original Web Designer

Daehyung Park