I am the chair for Robotics in the School of Interactive Computing. In my role, I seek to cultivate the best curriculum for GaTech students at the BS, MS, and PhD levels to help our students become leaders in industry and academia. I was elected to serve on the Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee to have a positive, broader impact on the undergraduate curriculum at GaTech.
As a classroom instructor, I have received the Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching four times for courses that I revitalized at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Further, I have received multiple Thank a Teacher Awards for my regard for students. I cherish this feedback from my student and seek to deliver the best learning experience for all those in my classroom.
Currently, I instruct students in the following courses at GaTech:
- CS 3630 Introduction to Perception and Robotics
- CS 4649/7649 Robot Intelligence: Planning
- CS 7648 Interactive Robot Learning