This is a partial list of publications. If you would like a complete list, please contact me.
- Park, S., & Catrambone, R. (2021). Social responses to virtual humans: The effect of human-like characteristics. Applied Sciences, 11, 7214. app11167214
- Margulieux, L., & Catrambone, R. (2021). Scaffolding problem solving with learners’ own self explanations of subgoals. The Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 33, 499-523.
- Margulieux, L., & Catrambone, R. (2019). Finding the best types of guidance for constructing self-explanations of subgoals in programming. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 28, 108-151.
- Margulieux, L. E., Catrambone, R. & Schaeffer, L. (2018). Varying effects of subgoal labeled expository text in programming, chemistry, and statistics. Instructional Science, 46(5), 707-722.
- Margulieux, L., & Catrambone, R. (2016). Improving problem solving with subgoal labels in expository text and worked examples. Learning and Instruction, 42, 58-71.
- Margulieux, L. E., McCracken, W. M., & Catrambone, R. (2016). A taxonomy to define courses that mix face-to-face and online learning. Educational Research Review, 19, 104-118.
- Margulieux, L. E., Catrambone, R. & Guzdial, M. (2016). Employing subgoals in computer programming education. Computer Science Education, 26(1).
- Eiriksdottir, E., & Catrambone, R. (2015). The effects of timing of exposure to principle and procedural instruction specificity on learning an electrical troubleshooting skill. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 21., (4), 383-394.
- Bentley, F., Tollmar, K., Stephenson, P., Levy, L., Jones, B., Robertson, S., Price, E., Catrambone, R., & Wilson, J. (2013). Health mashups: Presenting statistical patterns between wellbeing data and context in natural language to promote behavior change. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 20 (5), 30(1)-30(27).
- Bujak, K.R., Radu, I., Catrambone, R., MacIntyre, B., Zheng, R., & Golubski, G. (2013). A psychological perspective on augmented reality in the mathematics classroom. Computers & Education, 68, 536-544.
- Caballero, M.D., Greco, E.F., Murray, E.R., Bujak, K.R, Marr, M.J., Catrambone, R., Kohlmyer, M.A., & Schatz, M.F. (2012). Comparing large lecture mechanics curricula using the Force Concept Inventory: A five thousand student study. American Journal of Physics, 80 (7), 638-644.
- Catrambone, R. (2011). Task analysis by problem solving (TAPS): Uncovering expert knowledge to develop high-quality instructional materials and training. Paper presented at the 2011 Learning and Technology Symposium (Columbus, GA, June).
- Eiriksdottir, E., & Catrambone, R. (2011). Procedural instructions, principles, and examples: How to structure instructions for procedural tasks to enhance performance, learning, and transfer. Human Factors, 53 (6), 749-770.
- Kohlmyer, M.A., Caballero, M.D., Catrambone, R., Chabay, R.W., Ding, L., Haugan, M.P., Marr, M.J., Sherwood, B.A., & Schatz, M.F. (2009). A tale of two curricula: The performance of two thousand students in introductory electromagnetism. Physical Review Special Topics — Physics Education Research, 5, 020105.
- Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Vollmann, B., & Catrambone, R. (2009). The impact of learner characteristics on information utilization strategies, cognitive load experienced, and performance in hypermedia learning. Learning and Instruction, 19, 387-401.
- Park, S., & Catrambone, R. (2007). Social facilitation effects of virtual humans. Human Factors, 49 (6), 1054-1060.
- Catrambone, R., Craig, D. L., & Nersessian, N. J. (2006). The role of perceptually represented structure in analogical problem solving. Memory & Cognition, 34 (5), 1126-1132.
- Catrambone, R., & Yuasa, M. (2006). Acquisition of procedures: The effects of example elaborations and active learning exercises. Learning and Instruction, 16 (2), 139-153.
- Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2006). Can learning from molar and modular worked examples be enhanced by providing instructional explanations and prompting self-explanations. Learning and Instruction, 16 (2), 104-121.
- Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., & Catrambone, R. (2006). Making the Abstract Concrete: Visualizing Mathematical Solution Procedures. Computers in Human Behavior, 22, 9-25.
- Ho, C.H., Eastman, C.M., & Catrambone, R. (2006). An investigation of 2D and 3D spatial and mathematical abilities. Design Studies, 27 (4), 505-524.
- Catrambone, R., Stasko, J., & Xiao, J (2004). ECA user interface paradigm: Experimental findings within a framework for research. In C. Pelachaud & Z. Ruttkay (Eds.), From brows to trust: Evaluating embodied conversational agents (pp. 239-267). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.
- Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., & Catrambone, R. (2004). Designing instructional examples to reduce intrinsic cognitive load: Molar versus modular presentation of solution procedures. Instructional Science, 32, 33-58.
- Atkinson, R.K., Catrambone, R., & Merrill, M.M. (2003). Aiding transfer in statistics: Examining the use of conceptual equations and elaborations during subgoal learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(4), 762-773.
- McCrickard, D. S., Catrambone, R., Chewar, C., & Stasko, J. (2003). Establishing tradeoffs that leverage attention for utility: Empirically evaluating information display in notification systems. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 58(5), 547-582.
- Sukel, K.E., Catrambone, R., Essa, I., & Brostow, G. (2003). Presenting movement in a computer-based dance tutor. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 15(3), 433-452.
- Catrambone, R. (2002). The effects of surface and structural feature matches on the access of story analogs. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 28 (2), 318-334.
- Catrambone, R., & Seay, A.F. (2002). Using animation to help students learn computer algorithms. Human Factors, 44 (3), 495-511.
- Satterwhite, R.C., Feldman, J.M., Catrambone, R., & Dai, T. (2000). Culture and perceptions of self-other similarity. International Journal of Psychology, 35, 287-293.
- Stasko, J., Catrambone, R., Guzdial, M., & McDonald, K. (2000). An evaluation of space-filling information visuali for depicting hierarchical structures. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(5), 663-694.
- Byrne, M.D., Catrambone, R., & Stasko, J.T. (1999). Evaluating animations as student aids in learning computer algorithms. Computers & Education, 33, 253-278.
- Ram, A., Catrambone, R., Guzdial, M.J., Kehoe, C.M., McCrickard, D.S., & Stasko, J. (1999). PML: Adding flexibility to multimedia presentations. IEEE Multimedia, 6(2), 40-52.
- Catrambone, R. (1998). The subgoal learning model: Creating better examples so that students can solve novel problems. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 127 (4), 355-376.
- Catrambone, R. (1996). Generalizing solution procedures learned from examples. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 22 (4), 1020-1031.
- Catrambone, R., Beike, D., & Niedenthal, P. (1996). Is the self-concept a habitual referent in judgments of similarity? Psychological Science, 7 (3), 158-163.
- Catrambone, R. (1995). Aiding subgoal learning: Effects on transfer. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87 (1), 5-17.
- Catrambone, R. (1995). Following instructions: Effects of principles and examples. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 1 (3), 227-244.
- Catrambone, R., Jones, C., Jonides, J., & Seifert, C. (1995). Reasoning about curvilinear motion: Using principles or analogy. Memory & Cognition, 23 (3), 368-373.
- Catrambone, R. (1994). Improving examples to improve transfer to novel problems. Memory & Cognition, 22 (5), 606-615.
- Walker, N., & Catrambone, R. (1993). Aggregation and the use of regression in evaluating models of human performance. Human Factors, 35 (3), 397-411.
- Catrambone, R. (1990). Specific versus general procedures in instructions. Human-Computer Interaction, 5(1), 49-93.
- Catrambone, R., & Holyoak, K.J. (1990). Learning subgoals and methods for solving probability problems. Memory & Cognition, 18 (6), 593-603.
- Catrambone, R., & Holyoak, K.J. (1989). Overcoming contextual limitations on problem-solving transfer. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 15, 1147-1156.
- Catrambone, R., & Markus, H. (1987). The role of self-schemas in going beyond the information given. Social Cognition, 5, 349-368.