Welcome & Introductions
Project/Team Overview
- New Teams: Presented by you and/or your graduate student(s)
- Returning Teams: Presented at least in part by returning students
Methods & Logistics
- VIP notebooks and/or Lab Archives (what are they for, etc.)
- Wiki (or equivalent)
- Shared calendar or wiki meeting list
- Create a contact sheet for the team (name, phone, e-mail) & clarify your method
of communication - Additional items (e.g. GitHub)
- Bring your notebook with you for (and/or log into Lab Archives at) the next
meeting (and every team & sub-team meeting from now on). - Sign in to our wiki, create a page, and update a page.
- If using GitHub: Sign in to GitHub, download something, and upload something.
- Other activity that they can report-back on next week (read an article and present a short summary, etc.)
Overview of Grading Methods & Timeline for the Semester
Ongoing | Midterm | End of term |
Team Expectations
- Basic expectations
- What should a team member do if they get stuck on a problem between meetings?
- What should a student do if they can’t make a meeting?
- What should a team do if a team member isn’t doing their fair share?
Next Steps
- Organizing sub-teams, assigning homework/tasks for whole team, etc.