Hi, my name is Jay Patel. My major is Industrial Engineering and my anticipated year of graduation is 2022 (hopefully). I have taken many English courses, more like literature, in high school and many of them have been rewarding. These courses required a lot of reading which wasn’t that great, mainly because all the texts were chosen for us, but I definitely learned a lot about the world of literature and how it can vary. English 1102 will be my first English class at #GeorgiaTech, and I am very excited!

Me telling people how classes are vs how they actually are
For modes of communication, my favorite is electronic. Electronic, such as television, movies, social media, YouTube, etc., typically provide suspense and brings joy the viewer in an efficient manner. I personally struggle with the mode of writing. Partially due to my lack of patience in the sense that I like to see results immediately (being a slow reader does not help). The written mode is also the part of communication that I want to improve the most, especially with how important it can be in the real world.
I love our course theme! I surely love watching tv, however I usually try to limit myself to not watching at all because once I get started, it is so hard to stop. When I’m not in school and have nothing to do, I can watch tv shows all day, and now I have an excuse to do that during the year lol. I just came off of the last episode of Quantico and pretty sad that it got cancelled (Priyanka Chopra might have been my favorite part about the show, ngl). In terms of future and current shows, I’m in the process of season two of The Good Place and can’t wait for season three of The Man in the High Castle to be released!
For the blog, I chose to review No Tomorrow and it seems pretty interesting and funny. It’s about this neighborhood girl who meets an attractive guy who thinks the world is going to end with an apocalypse in 8 months. He convinces her to let go of her worldly obligations and to #liveyourbestlife. I feel like as a student at a competitive institute, up until now many of our educational actions in life have had the thought in mind if it will help me get into college: now that we’re here, are we going to keep worrying about the future at all times or are we going to live in the moment? I chose #notomorrow to see how the characters live their lives when they know that tomorrow won’t be a thing for them very soon, and for all we know, it might not be for some of us.
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