Protocol for Plagiarism, Unapproved AI Use, and Other Student Integrity Issues (Writing and Communication Program)

What To Do When Suspecting a Student Integrity Issue

Below are the options to consider when faced with instances of plagiarism or other issues of academic misconduct. In every case, you can see the WCP Director to help you through the process; you can also contact the Office of Student Integrity (OSI) directly.
Essentially, you have two choices:
  1. Faculty Resolution: Resolve the situation yourself by meeting with the student. See the step-by-step guide here: If you choose this route, you should still report the incident to the Office of Student Integrity (OSI), using the online form at
  2. OSI Resolution: Refer the situation to OSI to handle, using the online form at In this case, you have the option of having OSI contact you before they contact the student.
You can find more information about academic misconduct here: 

Guidance for Student Integrity Issues at the End of the Semester

In general, if you come upon a case of plagiarism or other student integrity issue late in the semester (during final exams, say), you should likely refer the case directly to OSI (#2 above) rather than trying to handle the case yourself (#1 above). In that case, you would then assign the student an “I” (incomplete) until OSI comes to a resolution on the case.