AB No. 2

Padnani, Amy, and Katharine Seelye. Whitey Bulger: The Capture of a Legend. The New York Times, 2 Aug. 2013, https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/us/bulger-timeline.html#/#time256_7822.

In “Whitey Bulger: The Capture of a Legend,” Amy Padnani and Katharine Seelye, writers for The New York Times, provide a brief account of Whitey Bulger’s life, ranging from when he was a delinquent in his youth to when he became the most powerful mob boss in South Boston. The article has pictures and footage of Bulger and his partners in crime, which helped me gain a better idea of their appearances and demeanor; in addition, the article quotes conversations between Bulger and his hitman, Stephen Flemmi. The intended audience is frequent readers of The New York Times as well as those wanting to gain a well-rounded understanding of Bulger’s life. Since the article offers testimonies from many individuals who were close to Bulger, the purpose is to highlight how betrayed they felt when they discovered Bulger lived a separate life as an FBI informant.

This article was useful because it informed me about the types of crime Bulger would commit: namely murder and theft. However, in most cases, Bulger did not perform the dirty work; he left that job to his hitman (Flemmi). Since I now know this information, I can add a new character to my short story who will play a key role in threatening Bulger’s clients and who will operate as the muscle of Bulger’s organization.

1 thought on “AB No. 2

  1. Feel free to expand the second paragraphs to include more detailed character development. You can get creative in terms of these second paragraphs.

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