Presentations (4.4.23)

Lucian Tash

  • Nature-Culture Divide
    • I thought this was an extremely interesting topic
    • I loved how Lucian began his presentation with a question
    • It was the perfect question, acting as a thesis that everything in his presentation tied back to
    • The question made the audience consider how often they go outside simply to enjoy nature
    • In a sense, the question made you feel guilty, knowing most of us are blinded by the tasks of everyday life to value nature in its simplest form
    • The question prepared the audience for what they should expect from his presentation, and it gave them something to think about throughout his slide show
    • Personally, for my presentation, I don’t think I could implement such a question for my audience to consider since my research project is a piece of flash fiction, which is less enlightening
    • Regardless, I applaud Lucian for utilizing this strategy at the beginning of his presentation, and I plan to have a similar wow factor to set my project apart
  • Human world vs. natural world
  • Humans conquer nature and bring order to chaos
  • Native Americans don’t believe they’re above nature; rather, they believe they’re one with nature

Sanjna Prakash

  • Teen girls were impacted more than teen boys by the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Teens spent more time on social media
    • In my opinion, I think TikTok took advantage of the pandemic to emerge as a prominent social platform
  • Misinformation caused more stress and toxic attitudes
  • Blue light decreases sleep
  • Parents should monitor their behavior and be careful about what they share with their kids (stay positive)
    • My one question about this presentation was what was the purpose of it
    • Sanjna mentioned she had a lot of friends impacted by the pandemic, and that was her motivation for researching it
    • But what’s the point of creating a website telling parents what they should’ve done during the pandemic to prevent their kids from getting depressed
    • It seems a little untimely in my opinion

Margaret Khayat

  • Self-care was politically motivated in the beginning
  • Now it’s aesthetic driven
  • The way self-care is portrayed on the internet is not realistic
  • The best self-care is meaningful but acknowledges the world’s meaninglessness
    • Margaret’s presentation was inspiring
    • She came out with a certain type of confidence, unlike any of the other presentations
    • She took risks, which Dr. A mentioned was key to a superb presentation
    • She spoke clearly
    • She didn’t rely on her slides to carry her presentation (in fact, her slides were quite simple); rather, the enthusiasm with which she spoke kept her audience engaged
    • Her presentation, in particular, made me realize how important it is to speak confidently when presenting
    • I plan to do this in my presentation because an audience is more likely to absorb your message if you clearly transmit it to them and you act like it’s important
    • Since part of my presentation will involve me reading excerpts from my piece of flash fiction, it’ll be especially important that I implement Margaret’s strategy so my audience doesn’t lose interest or get bored

Victor Samuel

  • Coded a website using HTML about freemasonry
  • Learned a lot about cults
  • Inspired by his father, who’s a curious person

Iris Smith

  • How resources impact education
  • Used an interactive activity
    • Her activity was fun, which was a bonus for winning over her audience
    • Integrating the class also adds another element of multimodality to your presentation
    • I think one way I could use the class in my presentation is by getting them to act out certain characters in my story by reading their lines
  • Used a lot of statistics
  • Research was personal
    • I like how Iris mentioned the obstacles she faced in her research, making her feel more relatable as a presenter (I didn’t hear the other presenters mention this information)
    • In my presentation, I plan on talking about the struggles I faced when brainstorming ideas for my story (sometimes, I would take a break for days just to let my brain reset to be ready to think of more ideas)
    • I also plan on talking about the articles I read that were somewhat insightful but ultimately useless for my project

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