Insights from Peer Presentations


  • Constructed a script for a movie scene
  • Gives a lot of background about the topic he researched to contextualize his script
    • This was a useful strategy implemented by Zach
    • Zach and I have similar research projects
    • We both created types of stories that are fictional at heart, but the stories have non-fiction elements
    • Zach’s story is based on the Scopes Monkey Trial, while my story involves Whitey Bulger, who was a prominent gangster in the 1980s in South Boston
    • I think I will structure my presentation similar to his in that I will give a lot of background about Bulger since I spent a majority of the semester researching him (I also plan on mentioning the research I performed that was focused on how to write flash fiction)
    • Instead of concluding my presentation with a table read like Zach, I plan on including excerpts from my story throughout my presentation that I will read to the audience
    • These excerpts will be short to ensure I don’t lose my audience’s attention; however, the excerpts will offer insight about the plot of my story as well as my writing style
  • Concludes his presentation with a table read (does not read the entire script)


  • Researched consumerism and created a short story that acts as a parody, making fun of consumerism


  • Created a podcast about the importance of sleep
  • Noticed that college students don’t get a lot of sleep
  • Begins his presentation by asking people in the class how much sleep they get
    • I like how Riley got the class involved
    • I want to do something similar; I want to get input from the class
    • I haven’t decided yet how I will interact with the class in my presentation
  • Spent the beginning of his presentation talking about his inspiration for the project
    • Riley was one of the first presenters to go in-depth about his inspiration
    • I plan on spending the first portion of my presentation talking about my inspiration because I think my topic is pretty unique and interesting, and I want to discuss how I came up with it
    • I plan on mentioning that I love storytelling, especially movies
    • One of my favorite movies is The Departed, which I was greatly influenced by
    • I also want to mention Christopher Nolan, who is one of my favorite directors
    • One aspect of my story that is similar to Nolan’s movies is the use of a non-linear timeline


  • Discussed how to deal with loneliness
  • Mentioned how his research topic evolved over the course of the semester
    • I want to talk about how the plot for my story changed multiple times
    • Throughout the writing process, my plot evolved dramatically
    • I would write some of my story, and then I would discover a plot hole, causing me to have to rework the plot and change certain elements
    • I want to mention how I value creating a realistic story that people can relate to; in order to achieve that goal, I had to write multiple drafts for my story


  • Discussed the role aviation plays in carbon emissions


  • Talked about how lucid dreaming can manage insomnia

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