- Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 CIOS Honor Roll, Georgia Institute of Technology, June 2023.
- 2023 Teaching Award, IISE Operations Research Section.
- 2023 Outstanding Achievement in Research Engagement and Outreach Award, Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Fall Semester 2022 CIOS Honor Roll (Large Classes), Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Outstanding Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2021).
- 2022 Caspar Bowden PET Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies for the work on “Decision Making with Differential Privacy under the Fairness Lens”.
- Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 CIOS Honor Roll (Fall 2021), Georgia Institute of Technology, February 2022.
- Teaching Excellence Award for Online Teaching, Georgia Institute of Technology, April 2021.
- Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 Award, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021.
- Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 CIOS Honor Roll (Fall 2020), Georgia Institute of Technology, February 2021.
- GovTech Innovation of the Month (February 2020) for the work of the Socially-Aware Mobility Lab.
- Outstanding Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2019).
- A. Russell Chandler III Chair, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2018
- Merit Award. Industrial and Operations Engineering. University of Michigan, 2018.
- Fellow of the INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science), 2016.
- Seth Bonder Collegiate Professorship, University of Michigan, 2015.
- Richard Newton Research Excellence Award, NICTA, 2015.
- Test of Time Award (20 years): Association of Logic Programming, 2014
- Senior Visiting Fellow: Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Bologna, 2014
- IFORS Distinguished Lecturer, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2013.
- Ulam Fellow, Center for NonLinear Studies, Los Alamos, 2012.
- Doctor Honoris Causa, the University of Nantesx, 2014
- Philip J. Bray Award for teaching excellence in the physical sciences, Brown University, 2010.
- Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artifical Intelligence (AAAI), 2009
- Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Louvain, Belgium, 2009.
- ACP Award for Research Excellence in Constraint Programming, 2016.
- IBM Faculty Award, 2004.
- INFORMS Computing Society (ICS) Award for research excellence, 2002.
- NSF National Young Investigator Award (USA), 1993.
Best Papers
- Best Paper Award (March 2022) in the IEEE Transactions of Power Systems.
- Best Paper Award (March 2021) in the IEEE Transactions of Power Systems.
- Travel Behaviour & Society (TBS) Outstanding Paper Award 2020.
- Journal track of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2020) for the paper “OptStream: Releasing Time Series Privately”.
- CP-2016. Best Paper Award, 2016.
- CPAIOR-2016: Fast-tracked paper to Constraints, 2016.
- AAAI-15, Best Paper Award, Blue Sky Research Track, Austin, Texas, 2015.
- CPAIOR-2015: Fast-Tracked paper to Constraints, 2015.
- Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS’14), Best paper Award, 2014.
- Best paper award at SEDE’09, 2009.
- Distinguished Paper at IJCAI’07 (one of 3 out of 1353 submissions), 2007.
- Distinguished Paper CP’04, Toronto, Canada, 2004.
- Best Paper Award, CP’03, Kinsale, Ireland, 2003.
Awards by Students
- Jisoon (Mark) Lim: INFORMS Undergraduate Operations Research Prize, October 2021.
- Keyu Zhu: Margaret and Stephen Kendrick Research Fellowships (Analytics and Machine Learning), ISyE, 2021.
- Tejas Santanam: ISyE Alpha Pi Mu Academic Excellence Award, 2021.
- Mark Lim: IISE Outstanding Senior Award, Georgia Tech, 2021.
- Mark Lim: Nicolas & Aurora Suarez Condezo International Award, Georgia Tech, 2021
- Guenyeong Byeon. Rising Stars in Computational and Data Science
University of Texas at Austin, 2020. - Guenyeong Byeon, Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding PhD research. 2019.
- Mohd Hafiz Hasan 2019: Distinguished Student Paper Award, CP’2019, Stamford, CT. 2019.
- Edward Lam: 2019 ACP Doctotoral Dissertation Award, Association of Constraint Programming, (2019).
- Terrence Mak: INFORMS ICS Student Prize (runner up), (2016).
- Byron Tasseff: NSF Graduate Research Fellow. (2016).
- Justin Yip: Best Thesis Award. Honorable Mention. (2013).
- Nabeel Gillani: Rhodes Scholarship (2012).
- Nabeel Gillani: Brown University Distinguished Senior Thesis Award (2012).
- Carleton Coffrin: 2011 INFORMS North Eastern Conference, Best Poster (2011).
- Carleton Coffrin: INFORMS 2010 Doing Good with Good OR Competition, Finalist (2010).