Videos Subject to The Fusion of Machine Learning and Optimization MARTA Reach – Project Outcomes MARTA Reach Constraint Programming For Scheduling: Global Scheduling Seminar Machine Learning For Engineering: AAAI Workshop on Machine Learning for Operations Research (ML4OR) INFORMS TutORial on Machine Learning for Power Flows Inaugural INFORMS TSL Seminar on On-Demand Multimodal Transit Systems: Resilience and Capturing Mode Choices Trier Seminar, May 2021: Differential Privacy of Hierarchical Census Data: An Optimization Approach Berkeley IEOR Seminar: April 2021 RAMC: Risk-Aware Market Clearing (ARPA-E Project Introduction) Keynote @ Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society of South Africa, October 2020 IJCAI 2020 (January 2021): Large Scale Ride Sharing Systems IJCAI 2020 (January 2021): Privacy-Preserving Stackelberg Games INFORMS 2020: Special Session on the 50 Years of Networks 2019 IISE Keynote on Mobility 2019 Post-Human Enhancement Event at the University of Bologna The Trailer for my Coursera MOOC in Discrete Optimisation Trailer for The Art of Computing which I designed and taught at ANU IFORS Lecture at INFORMS (2013) Doctoral Honors Causa Lecture in Nantes (2011)