Hi! I’m Zoe Maisel. I am an industrial engineering major from Cumming, GA. I am so excited to take on my first English class at Georgia Tech! I enjoy written and electronic communication, so this project is pretty exciting for me. A great combination! I can’t wait to spread my thoughts, opinions, and ideas throughout my own personal cute lil blog. I struggle with nonverbal communication during public speaking, so this is a great way for me to hide behind my computer and avoid working on that… just kidding! kinda. But for real, I truly do hope to improve on my body language, accenting, and tone throughout the semester.

Hashtag excited for all the electronic communication in this class
I chose the television and feminism theme mostly for the feminism side. It is something I am very passionate about and I can’t wait to delve deeper into the history and evolution of it. I want to make sure I am thoroughly and properly informed so that I can spread the knowledge and importance of feminism. And fight for equality!

Be prepared for plenty of feminist rants during class discussions.
However, I am not an expert on the TV side. I have a history of starting shows and never finishing them. I either get bored or can’t find time to continue them. Don’t get me wrong, I have my favorites that I have finished and obsess over (One Tree Hill, How I Met Your Mother, The Office), but TV is just not really my thing.
But this semester, I am determined. It will be my thing. I am going to integrate it into my new college life.

I will be reminding myself these wise words from Nick Miller
I have chosen New Girl to review, specifically season 6. I was a big fan of seasons 1-5. This is actually a perfect assignment because I had not watched TV in a while, and I did not know that there was a new season of New Girl until I logged in to Netflix to watch The Good Place. It was exciting news! New Girl is about a quirky and fun-loving woman who moves into a loft with 3 very fun and interesting men. They go on many crazy adventures and each of them is hilarious in their own way. I chose this show because I enjoyed the previous seasons and watching them for comedy, and now I get to analyze this new season and discover new information about the show’s characters, writing, gender roles, and so much more.

Me when I realized I get to watch more New Girl AND make a blog about it
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