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Author: cxu310


Research: My two main research interests are:

  • Flow (ODE)-based generative neural networks.
  • Conformal prediction for uncertainty quantification on data with dependency.

See Google Scholar for a complete list of works.

My CV (last update: May 2024) is available. My email is


  • Current: 4th-year Operations Research (OR) Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE).
  • Former: joint BS/MS degree during 2016-2020 from the University of Chicago.
    • MS degree: Statistics.
      Advisor: Professor Rina Foygel Barber
      Thesis: Efficient predictive inference with Jackknife+ under ensemble learning link 
    • BS degree: double majors in (1) Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM) (2) Economics (specialized in data science).
