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PRC Membership & Benefits

Our research is supported through two major sources namely, industry consortium and federal programs. In addition, we also work on custom projects supported by individual industry contracts. A company can become a member of the PRC industry consortium for a 2 year period in the form of full membership ($100K/year), Student membership ($65K/year) and Supply chain membership ($25K/year), as shown in Figure 1. The membership dollars are used by GT-PRC to support research projects within the three application areas defined earlier as well as in emerging technologies. An industry member gets access to all of the research projects that are part of PRC membership with benefits based on the level of membership, as shown in Figure 1. A Non-exclusive Royalty Free (NERF) IP model is used where the full members share the intellectual property (IP) being generated in the center.

In addition to the consortium model presented below, the PRC also conducts research that is directly supported by federal, state, and/or industry partners, including SRC/DARPA JUMP 2.0. Such programs are treated as standalone research programs in parallel to the consortium model. 

Figure 1: PRC Membership & Member Benefits

Please note: This chart is for informational purposes only. The benefits of PRC Membership are defined by the terms and conditions of the Membership Agreement and the Bylaws.