I will be delighted to be giving a talk at Brown Engineering next week.
Category: Optimization
EdX MOOC on Constraint Programming
On February 7, the first session of our EdX MOOC on Constraint Programming will take place. It uses the MINI-CP system.
Keynote at the INFORMS Optimization Society Conference
Check the 2022 INFORMS Optimization Society Conference. The theme is of the conference is “bridging data and decision making” and I will giving a plenary talk on “Machine Learning and Optimization for Engineering.
The RAMC Project in Energy
In conjunction with MISO and Vanderbilt University, the RAMC project will explore new approaches to market clearing and security-constrained optimal power flows. It will leverage techniques from stochastic optimization, machine learning, and risk management to improve the use of renewable energy in large-scale energy systems.
ISyE: Shaping the Future
Check the latest issue of the GT ISyE Magazine for all the exciting research and teaching activities at Georgia Tech.